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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - SB/73/00124
Conditions or Reasons:
1) (1) The site lies within the proposed South Bedfordshire Green Belt. Within this Green Belt approval for development will not be granted except in very special circumstances or to meet the needs of agriculture or for a purpose defined in Circular 42/55 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. No such special circumstances have been established in this case. (2) The proposal involves the establishment of an industrial and commercial use in an area of open countryside which is shown on the approved County Development Plan to be within an area of great landscape value and is also within the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. As such the use proposed would be an alien and intrusive element and would harm the appearance and character of the area. (3) The proposed development would attract an increasing number of vehicles to this site. The vehicular turning movements involved would have a seriously adverse effect on traffic flow and safety on the trunk road.

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