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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - SB/73/00204
Conditions or Reasons:
1) (1) Excavation shall be limited to the areas shown coloured on Plan A attached hereto and as further defined in Clause 5 hereof and shall be carried down to not lower than 400 feet above O.D at the northern limit of the area to be excavated and to not lower than 460 feet above O.D at the southern limit of that area. PROVIDED ALWAYS that the limiting levels of excavation in stages 2, 3 and 4 are at least five feet above the Totternhoe Stone or such other levels as may be agreed by the Planning Authority from time to time. The quarry floor or limit of excavation shall be properly graded between limits of plus or minus 10 feet from the average quarry floor level. The quarry indicated by green hatching on Plan A shall be similarly graded where special works of excavation have been carried out to provide access to the area coloured green on the said Plan. (2) Excavation at the northern and southern limits of the area permitted to be excavated shall be carried through within reasonable limits of the same so that the maximum slope at any point shall not exceed 1 in 10. Abrupt changes of slope or gradient are to be avoided at the northern and southern limits of the area to be excavated and any necessary rounding off shall be carried out. Slopes shall be formed at all other boundaries of the area permitted to be excavated at 1 horizontally to 1 vertically. (3) Any railway or railway siding constructed upon any part of the land, the subject of this consent shall be removed upon completion of the works on such land and the land shall be restored to its previous condition except so far as the embankments and cuttings constructed for the railway or sidings form part of the general scheme of restoration herein provided in which case they are to be restored in the manner prescribed by that general scheme of restoration. (4) In the event of excavation over the area coloured blue and hatched blue on Plan A such excavation shall be carried out so as to remove all existing spoil heaps above the existing level of the hill slopes within the area excavated, any hollows below that level to be filled in with suitable material. (5) Save as provided in Clause 9 hereof, quarrying shall be carried out in the stages and order indicated on Plan A, viz: Stage 1 The area coloured Green on Plan A. The area coloured Green and hatched Red on Plan A. Stage 2 The area coloured Blue on Plan A. The area coloured Blue and hatched Red on Plan A. Stage 3 The area coloured Pink on Plan A. Stage 4 The area coloured Brown on Plan A. and so that no quarrying shall be permitted in Stage 2 or any subsequent stage earlier than six months before the cessation of quarrying in Stage 1 or the next preceding stage as the case may be. No spoil heaps shall be permitted to remain after exhaustion of any particular stage of quarrying except so far as may be necessary in connection with the next succeeding stage of quarrying. (6) Top soil and overburden shall be preserved and as the excavation of permitted sections of the area to be excavated is exhausted, utilised thereon as may be required in connection with the General Scheme of Restoration herein provided. (7) All greenways and footways in the area already excavated or to be excavated shall be kept open continuously by means of temporary or permanent diversions as provided in the next succeeding Clause. (8) Save as provided in Clause 9 hereof, temporary and permanent diversions to be carried out in the stages, order and manner indicated on the Plan B attached hereto, viz: Stage 1 The greenway or footway coloured Blue on Plan B (Permanent) Stage 2 The greenway or footway coloured Pink on Plan B (Temporary) Stage 3 The greenway or footway coloured Green on Plan B (Permanent) Stage 4 The greenway or footway coloured Broken Green on Plan B (Permanent) and the surfaces restored in conformity with the General Scheme of Restoration herein provided. (9) The order of the stages of quarrying and diversions of greenways and footways referred to in Clause 5 and 8 of these conditions may be varied by the Planning Authority in pursuance of an interim development consent specifically applied for and granted in respect thereof and any such consent, if granted, may be with or without conditions. PROVIDED THAT nothing in this clause shall be deemed to deprive the applicant of any right of appeal to the Ministry of Town and Country Planning. (10) The Developers shall pay all costs in obtaining any necessary Orders through Parliament or Quarter Sessions for the diversions of greenways and footways shown by Plan B to be diverted. The Developers shall take all such steps as may be necessary or expedient to assist the appropriate authority in connection with any such Orders. Nothing in this consent or the conditions annexed thereto shall be deemed to relieve the Developers from obtaining the consent of the Totternhoe Conservators, if necessary, to any such diversions. (11) Save and except the area hatched green on Plan A the areas already excavated and to be excavated shall as soon as possible after cessation of quarrying as provided in Clause 5 hereof be planted in the progressive order indicated on the said Plan with grass or other crops and groups of trees to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Authority. (12) A suitable screen of beech trees to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Authority shall be planted at the existing level thirty feel south of the southern extremity of the land to be excavated, such planting to be carried out at such time as the Planning Authority may require. The triangular area south of the quarry coloured green and hatched red shall be suitably planted with beech trees to the like satisfaction as soon as possible after the completion of the restoration of that area. (13) All temporary quarry railway crossings of diverted greenways or footways constructed or used by the developers shall be properly maintained in such a manner as will not be dangerous to pedestrians or cattle. Such railway crossings shall be constructed flush with the surface of the greenways or footways whether temporary or permanently diverted and efficient control and warning devices shall be provided. (14) Save with the consent of the Planning Authority no aerial ropeway or overhead tramway or other similar device for the transport of chalk shall at any time be constructed or used on or over the said land, and all chalk shall be transported upon or below the surface of the said land. (15) In the carrying out of the works permitted all practicable steps to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning Authority shall be taken for preventing the creation of any noise, dust, fumes or smoke of a character likely to be detrimental to adjoining property or the amenities of the neighbourhood. (16) No advertisement shall be erected or otherwise displayed on the said land but this restriction shall not be deemed to prohibit the exhibition of notices not exceeding four in number indicating the name of the Proprietor and the nature of the business carried out on the said land provided that the consent of the Planning Authority in writing has been previously obtained to the position, form, size and colour and method of display of such notices. PROVIDED ALWAYS that any consent given by Planning Authority shall not be deemed to relieve the Owner or lessee from compliance with any Byelaws in force from time to time affecting advertisements. (17) Any dispute or difference between the Developers and the Planning Authority under or in connection with any of the foregoing conditions shall be submitted to and determined by the Minister of Town and Country Planning whose decision shall be final and binding on both parties.

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