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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - SB/73/00471
Conditions or Reasons:
1) (1) The land coloured red on the accompanying plan shall be worked successively as follows: Area A Area B Area C Provided that should the mineral undertaker consider it necessary or expedient to win and work types or grades of mineral from either or both of the areas marked B or C before the excavations in the area marked A have been finally completed, he shall be permitted to enter upon the next stage where that particular type is available in order to win and work the same except that entry on a successive stage shall not be permitted without notice first being given to the Local Planning Authority. REASON: To control the extent of the workings and the means of access. (2) No excavation shall take place within 20 feet of any highway improvement line. REASON: To control the extent of the workings and the means of access. (3) No excavation shall take place within 40 feet of Heath Road. REASON: To control the extent of the workings and the means of access. (4) Where the boundary of the site abuts onto land in the ownership of another mineral undertaker who intends to work that land, excavations may take place to the boundary of the site as may be agreed between the mineral undertakers concerned. REASON: To control the extent of the workings and the means of access. (5) Access to the workings shall be by way of existing accesses. REASON: To control the extent of the workings and the means of access. (6) The land shall be restored in accordance with the following provisions: a. after the extraction of the minerals, the floor of the excavation shall be made reasonable uniform and the overburden replaced thereon and levelled off to a smooth slope so as to ensure natural drainage; b. the banks surrounding the finished excavation shall be graded to a slope not steeper than 1 in 1 and covered with overburden; c. on conclusion of the workings, any spoil heaps and embankments formed during the workings authorised in this permission shall be removed; the surface of the unexcavated land within the boundaries of the site shall be levelled and the site left in a tidy condition; d. all plant no longer required for the purpose of working the minerals or restoring the land shall be removed within twelve months from the completion of the working of the minerals or the restoration of the land. REASON: To make provision for the proper disposal of the waste materials and for the treatment of the land upon the completion of the workings. (7) In order that the Local Planning Authority may be kept properly informed, access to the workings shall be allowed at reasonable times to officers authorised in that behalf by the Local Planning Authority. REASON: To make provision for the proper disposal of the waste materials and for the treatment of the land upon the completion of the workings. (8) In the event of any disagreement as to the interpretation of or compliance with any matter affecting any of the conditions in this permission, the decision of the Minister of Local Government and Planning shall be final. REASON: To make provision for the proper disposal of the waste materials and for the treatment of the land upon the completion of the workings.

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