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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/20/03725/NMA
Conditions or Reasons:
1) The planting and landscaping scheme shown on approved Drawing Nos. LS-001H, 002H, 003H, 004H, 005H, 006H, 007H, 008H, shall be implemented by the end of the full planting season immediately following the completion and/or first use of any separate part of the development (a full planting season shall mean the period from October to March). The trees, shrubs and grass shall subsequently be maintained for a period of five years from the date of planting and any which die or are destroyed during this period shall be replaced during the next planting season with others of a similar size and species.

Reason: To ensure an acceptable standard of landscaping.
(Sections 12 & 15, NPPF)
2) No dwelling shall be occupied until details of a timetable for the implementation of Local Equipped Areas of Play and Local Areas of Play as shown on drawing no. SM555-LS-005H and details of its long term management, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out as approved and in accordance with the approved timetable.

Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development and facilities for residents would be acceptable in accordance with Policy DM3 of the Core Strategy and Section 8 of the NPPF.
3) The scheme for the provision of electric car charging points as shown on drawing no. SL-001 Rev AB(Site Layout) as amended by drawing no. SM555-SL-040 and accompanied memo dated 20.11.18 shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved scheme, prior to occupation of the dwellings to which they relate and thereafter retained for this purpose.

Reason: To ensure the development protects and exploits opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes for the movement of people. (Section 4, NPPF)
4) Plot Numbers 1, 15, 36, 43, 65, 67, 69, 85, 90, 92 shall meet the definition of Category 2 homes, in accordance with the National Described Space Standards as shown on drawing no. SL-001 Rev AB (Site Layout) as amended by drawing no. SM555-SL-040.

Reason: To ensure that an appropriate level of housing to meet the needs of future generations by being adaptable and accessible, have been provided in accordance with Nationally Described Space Standards and having regard to the benefits proposed of the scheme. (Section 5 of the NPPF)
5) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers EL-001 (Location Plan), SL-001 Rev AB (Site Layout) as amended by drawing no. SM555-SL-040, SL-003N (Boundary Plan),SL-004N (Garden Plans), SL-006L (Materials) SL-007 (Bus Stop Plan), LS-001H, 002H, 003H, 004H, 005H, 006H, 007H, 008H, (Landscape Scheme), LS-009A (Planting Details), EN-006H (Refuse Tracking), EN013D (Emergency Vehicle Tracking), SM555-EN-027 (Finished Floor Levels), Noise Report 17/0270/R2 & Supplementary Noise Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment Rev C, Design & Access Statement July 2018, Lighting Impact Assessment, Desk Study & Site Investigation Report 16134-RPT-GE02, Arboricultural Method Statement July 2018, Landscape Strategy Rev C, Transport Assessment Rev C, Historic Environment Desk Based Assessment June 2018, Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment Jan 2018, Ecological Appraisal Dec 2017, Statement of Community Involvement Jan 2018, Air Quality Assessment Aug 2017, Planning Statement Jan 2018, Residential Travel Plan Rev D, 1BF04(4)PL 52-55, 72-75 Elevations, 1BF04(4)PL 52-55, 72-75 Floor Plan, 2B.CB PL- 112-113 Floor Plans & Elevations, 2B.CB PL 58-61, 78-81 Elevations, 2B.CB PL 58-61, 78-81 Floor Plan, 2B.CB PL 99-101 Elevations, 2B.CB PL 99-101 Floor Plans, 2B.CB+4B.CB PL 9-10 Elevations, 2B.CB+4B.CB PL 9-10 Floor Plans, 2B.CB PL 48-51 Elevations, 2B.CB PL 48-51 Floor Plan, 2B.CB PL 114-116 Elevations, 2B.CB PL 114-116 Floor Plan, 2B.CB PL 102-105 Elevations, 2B.CB PL 102-105 Floor Plan, 2B.CB PL 56-57 Floor plans & Elevations, 3B.CB (OPP) PL 11-12 Floor Plans & Elevations, 3B.CB PL 82-83 (Chimney) Floor Plans & Elevations, 3B.CB PL 7-8,108-109,110-111 Floor Plans &Elevations, 3B.CB PL 97-98 Floor Plans & Elevations, 3B.CB PL 76-77 Floor Plans & Elevations, 3B.CB PL 106-107 Floor Plans & Elevations, 2BB.C PL REV A 45-47 Elevations, 2BB.C PL REV A 45-47 Floor plan, 2BB.C PL REV A 62-64 Elevations, 2BB.C PL REV A 62-64 Floor Plan, 378.PL 3-4, 146-147 Floor Plans & Elevations (Chimney), 378.PL 13-14,27-28,29-30,33-34,95-96 Floor Plans & Elevations, 378.PL 117-118, 141-142 Floor Plans & Elevation (Render &Chimney), 382.PL 71,121,148 Floor Plans & Elevations, 472(OPP).PL 6,21,26,88,91,122 Floor Plans, 472(OPP).PL 6,21 Elevations (render & chimney), 472(OPP).PL 26,88,91,122 Elevations (chimney), 472.PL 31,37,66,70,86,93,130,138,144 Floor Plans, 472.PL 31,66,70,86,130 (render) Elevations, 472.PL 37,93,138,144 Elevations (chimney), 475(OPP).PL 92 Floor Plans & Elevations, 475.Wotton PL 90 Floor plans & Elevations (Chimney&render), 477.PL 44 Floor Plans & Elevations (render), 479(OPP).PL1 (Chimney) Elevations, 481(OPP).PL 24,25,84 (Chimney) Elevations, GOWER plots 124-125, 126-127, 133-134, 135-136 Floor Plans & Elevations, 479(OPP)-PL03 (Plot 5) Floor Plans, 476.PL06 (Plots 140, 143) Floor Plans, 476.PL01 (Plots 140, 143) Elevations, M479-1.PL-06 (Plot 1) Floor Plans, 479-PL02 (Plot 145) Elevations, 479-PL02 (Plot 87) Elevations (Chimney), 479-PL01 (Plots 87 and 145) Floor Plans, 479(OPP)-PL04 (Plot 5 and 94) Elevations (Chimney), 479(OPP)-PL03 (Plots 5 and 94) Floor Plans, 382-1.PL-01 (Plots 2, 40, 89 and 139) Floor Plans & Elevations, 476-1 PL-01 (Plot 119) Elevations, 476-1 PL-06 (Plot 119) Floor Plans, 477-PL01 Rev B (Plots 32) Floor plans & Elevations, 476.PL-06 (Plots 120, 140 and 143) Floor Plans, 476.PL-01 (Plots 120, 140 and 143) Elevations, 481(OPP).PL03 Rev A (Plots 18,19, 20, 24, 25, 84 and 137) Floor Plans, 481(OPP)-PL-04 Rev A (Plots 18, 19, 20 and 137) Elevations, 481(OPP)-PL04 (Plots 24, 25 and 84) Elevations (Chimney), 481-PL01 (Plot 123) Elevations, 481-PL06 (Plot 123) Floor Plans, 384_384-1.PL-02 (Plots 128-129) Elevations (Render & Chimney), 384_384-1.PL-05 (Plots 128-129 and 131-132) Floor Plans, 383_384-1.PL-01 (Plots 131-132) Elevations, 384_384-1.PL-05 (Plots 16-17, 38-39 and 41-42) Floor Plans, 384_384-1.PL-01 (Plots 16-17) Elevations (Chimney), 383-PL-2 Rev A (Plots 38-39 and 41-42) Elevations, 477-PL01 Rev B (Plot 32) Floor Plans & Elevations, 382.PL-01 (Plots 71, 139, 148 and 149) Floor Plans & Elevations, 476-1.PL-01 (Plots 22 and 35) Elevations, 476-1.PL-06 (Plots 22 and 35) Floor Plans, 476.PL-06 (Plots 23, 32, 44 and 68) Floor Plans, 476.PL-01 (Plots 23, 32 and 68) Elevations, 476.PL-02 (Plot 44) Elevations (Render), M489.PL-01 (Plots 15, 65, 67 and 69) Elevations, M489.PL-02 (Plots 36 and 43) Elevations (Chimney), M489.PL-06 (Plots 15, 36, 43, 65, 67 and 69) Floor Plans, M479.PL-01A Rev A (Plot 85) Elevations, and M479.PL-06A Rev A (Plot 85) Floor Plans.

Reason: To identify the approved plans and to avoid doubt.

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