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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/23/03740/FULL
Conditions or Reasons:
1) The application has failed to satisfactorily demonstrate that the proposed buildings would fall within any of the listed exceptions to inappropriate development listed in paragraphs 154 and 155 of the NPPF. The development therefore represents inappropriate development within the Green Belt, which is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt. The proposal would also be detrimental to the openness and visual amenity of the Green Belt, and would present an encroachment into the countryside. No Very Special Circumstances have been put forward which would clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt, and any other identified harm. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy SP4 of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan and section 13 of the NPPF.
2) The proposed development would, by reason of its unsympathetic scale, design and siting, the creation of extensive hardstandings and the removal of existing natural landscape features, combined with its prominent location on an existing open parcel of land, result in substantial and incongruous additions to the site that would fail to respect the surrounding natural landscape and would create an urbanising impact harmful to the countryside location. The development would therefore result in harm to the character and appearance of the rural area which cannot be satisfactorily mitigated against by landscaping and would be contrary to policies HQ1, EE4, EE5, and EE8 of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan and sections 12 and 15 of the NPPF.
3) The proposed development is located within close proximity to priority habitat and contains a watercourse which would be affected by the proposal. The application has not been supported by up-to-day ecological surveys to indicate any protected species interest on site. The proposal thereby fails to demonstrate that the proposed development has been informed and designed to prevent adverse impacts on protected species. The development is thereby contrary to the aims and objections of Policy EE3 of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan and Section 15 of the NPPF.
4) Insufficient information has been provided within the application to demonstrate that the development would be able to deliver a net gain for biodiversity. As such, the proposal is contrary to policy EE2 of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan (2021) and section 15 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).
5) The proposed development, if permitted, would result in the intensification of use of a substandard field access which makes no provision for adequate driver/driver intervisibility, including forward visibility, and will lead to conditions of danger and inconvenience to users of the highway and the property. The proposed development is thereby in conflict with policy T2 of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan (2021) and section 9 of the NPPF (2023)
6) Insufficient information has been provided for an accurate assessment of the proposal in terms of usage of the site and traffic generation for this usage. The proposed development is thereby in conflict with policy T2 of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan (2021) and section 9 of the NPPF (2023).
7) The development site contains a watercourse which would be affected by the proposal. The proposal will also increase hard standing at the site. In the absence of any site specific flood risk assessment or information regarding surface water drainage, the proposal is considered to be in conflict with policies CC3 and CC5 of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan (2021).

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