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Consultees for Planning Application - CB/24/01790/PIP
A Statutory Consultee is an organisation or other interested party that has been consulted on this application.

Application Details View Documents (opens in new window) Consultation
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Total Number of Consultees Consulted:18

Consultation Letter Sent

21/06/20241) Housing Standards, Central Bedfordshire Council
20/06/20242) SuDS Management Team, Central Bedfordshire Council
20/06/20243) Trees and Landscape, Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/20244) Biggleswade Town Council Committee Services
19/06/20245) Bedford Group of Drainage Boards
19/06/20246) Environment Agency
19/06/20247) Technical & Specialist Team, Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/20248) Digital Programme, Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/20249) Neighbourhood Plan, Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/202410) Landscape Officer - North, Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/202411) Pollution Team, Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/202412) Housing Development Officer, Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/202413) Waste Services, Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/202414) Highways Team (Development Management), Central Bedfordshire Council
19/06/202415) Cllr H Whitaker
19/06/202416) Cllr S Watkins
19/06/202417) Cllr P How
19/06/202418) Clerk to Biggleswade Town Council
Unfortunately, the consultation period for this application is not open. Please contact the case officer directly if you have any questions.

In addition to consultations with the bodies listed, publicity of this application will be undertaken in accordance with national and local requirements. This publicity most usually takes the form of letters to individual nearby properties, the posting of site notices or the placing of a public notice in the local weekly newspaper.

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