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Details of Planning Application - CB/13/00047/FULL

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Application Details View Documents (opens in new window) Consultation
Application registeredConsultation periodAwaiting decisionDecidedAppealAppeal decided
Application Type:Full Application
Date Received:08 / 01 / 2013
Registration (Validation) Date:10 / 01 / 2013
Consultation Start Date:10 / 01 / 2013
Earliest Decision Date (Consultation Period Expires):01 / 02 / 2013
Target Date for Decision:07 / 03 / 2013
Location:36 Kingsway, Dunstable, LU5 4HD
Parish Name:Dunstable
Conservation Area:Not available
Listed Building Grade:Not available
Environmental Assessment:Not available
Expected Decision Level:Not available
Description:First Floor Side/Rear Extension.
Case Officer:Debbie Willcox
Case Officer Tel:0300 300 5723
Case Officer Email:debbie.willcox@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Agent:Mr R Camp
Press Date:No date
Site Notice Date:No date
NeighboursResponses Received: 0
and Representatives:In Favour: 0
Representation DetailsAgainst: 0
Comments: 0
Petitions Against: 0
Petitions For: 0
Officer Site Visit Date:29/01/2013
Committee Site Visit Date:No date
Committee Meeting Date:No date
Decision Level:Officer Delegated
Date Decision Made:20 / 02 / 2013
Date Decision Despatched:21 / 02 / 2013
Decision:Full Application - Granted
Conditions or Reasons:View Conditions or Reasons
Informative Notes:
1 )In accordance with Article 31 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010, the reason for any condition above relates to the Policies as referred to in the South Bedfordshire Local Plan Review (SBLPR) and the emerging Development Strategy for Central Bedfordshire (DSCB).In accordance with Article 31 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010, the reason for any condition above relates to the Policies as referred to in the South Bedfordshire Local Plan Review (SBLPR) and the emerging Development Strategy for Central Bedfordshire (DSCB).
2 )This permission relates only to that required under the Town & Country Planning Acts and does not include any consent or approval under any other enactment or under the Building Regulations. Any other consent or approval which is necessary must be obtained from the appropriate authority.This permission relates only to that required under the Town & Country Planning Acts and does not include any consent or approval under any other enactment or under the Building Regulations. Any other consent or approval which is necessary must be obtained from the appropriate authority.
3 )The applicant is advised that photographs of the existing highway that is to be used for access and delivery of materials will be required by the Local Highway Authority. Any subsequent damage to the public highway resulting from the works as shown by the photographs, including damage caused by delivery vehicles to the works, will be made good to the satisfaction of the Local Highway Authority and at the expense of the applicant. Attention is drawn to Section 59 of the Highways Act 1980 in this respect.The applicant is advised that photographs of the existing highway that is to be used for access and delivery of materials will be required by the Local Highway Authority. Any subsequent damage to the public highway resulting from the works as shown by the photographs, including damage caused by delivery vehicles to the works, will be made good to the satisfaction of the Local Highway Authority and at the expense of the applicant. Attention is drawn to Section 59 of the Highways Act 1980 in this respect.
Appeal Received Date:This case has no appeals against it
Planning Obligation Status:Not available

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