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Details of Planning Application - CB/23/00171/FULL

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Application Details View Documents (opens in new window) Consultation
Application registeredConsultation periodAwaiting decisionDecidedAppealAppeal decided
Application Type:Full Application
Date Received:17 / 01 / 2023
Registration (Validation) Date:18 / 01 / 2023
Consultation Start Date:18 / 01 / 2023
Earliest Decision Date (Consultation Period Expires):16 / 02 / 2023
Target Date for Decision:15 / 03 / 2023
Location:Trumpertons Farm, 16A Thorncote Green, Hatch, Sandy, SG19 1PU
Parish Name:Northill
Conservation Area:Not available
Listed Building Grade:Not available
Environmental Assessment:Not available
Expected Decision Level:Not available
Description:Erection of an agricultural building, concrete yard, Installation of yard drainage and rainwater harvesting (part retrospective).
Case Officer:Sarah Fortune
Case Officer Tel:0300 300 4444
Case Officer Email:Sarah.A.Fortune@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Agent:Mrs S Fuller
118 Bromham Road
MK40 2QN
Press Date:No date
Site Notice Date:19 / 01 / 2023
NeighboursResponses Received: 0
and Representatives:In Favour: 0
Representation DetailsAgainst: 0
Comments: 0
Petitions Against: 0
Petitions For: 0
Officer Site Visit Date:06/02/2023
Committee Site Visit Date:No date
Committee Meeting Date:No date
Decision Level:Officer Delegated
Date Decision Made:03 / 04 / 2023
Date Decision Despatched:03 / 04 / 2023
Decision:Full Application - Granted
Conditions or Reasons:View Conditions or Reasons
Informative Notes:
1 )Will a new extension affect your Council Tax Charge? The rate of Council Tax you pay depends on which valuation band your home is placed in. This is determined by the market value of your home as at 1 April 1991. Your property's Council Tax band may change if the property is extended.  The Council Tax band will only change when a relevant transaction takes place. For example, if you sell your property after extending it, the new owner may have to pay a higher band of Council Tax. If however you add an annexe to your property, the Valuation Office Agency may decide that the annexe should be banded separately for Council Tax.  If this happens, you will have to start paying Council Tax for the annexe as soon as it is completed. If the annexe is occupied by a relative of the residents of the main dwelling, it may qualify for a Council Tax discount or exemption.  Contact the Council for advice on 0300 300 8306. The website link is: https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/council-tax-bandsWill a new extension affect your Council Tax Charge? The rate of Council Tax you pay depends on which valuation band your home is placed in. This is determined by the market value of your home as at 1 April 1991. Your property's Council Tax band may change if the property is extended.  The Council Tax band will only change when a relevant transaction takes place. For example, if you sell your property after extending it, the new owner may have to pay a higher band of Council Tax. If however you add an annexe to your property, the Valuation Office Agency may decide that the annexe should be banded separately for Council Tax.  If this happens, you will have to start paying Council Tax for the annexe as soon as it is completed. If the annexe is occupied by a relative of the residents of the main dwelling, it may qualify for a Council Tax discount or exemption.  Contact the Council for advice on 0300 300 8306. The website link is: https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/council-tax-bands
2 )This permission relates only to that required under the Town & Country Planning Acts and does not include any consent or approval under any other enactment or under the Building Regulations. Any other consent or approval which is necessary must be obtained from the appropriate authority.This permission relates only to that required under the Town & Country Planning Acts and does not include any consent or approval under any other enactment or under the Building Regulations. Any other consent or approval which is necessary must be obtained from the appropriate authority.
3 )Please note that you/your client must still apply for formal consent from the Board. Application details can be found on our website www.idbs.org.ukGo to the Consents and Planning tab to find guidance and application forms. One consent will be required for the outfall/discharge to the watercourse. You have indicated the discharge will be restricted to 0.18l/s (Qbar) for which there will be a standard consent fee of £50.Please submit your application via the consents@idbs.org.uk e-mail address. Your application will then be allocated to one of our engineers.Please note that you/your client must still apply for formal consent from the Board. Application details can be found on our website www.idbs.org.ukGo to the Consents and Planning tab to find guidance and application forms. One consent will be required for the outfall/discharge to the watercourse. You have indicated the discharge will be restricted to 0.18l/s (Qbar) for which there will be a standard consent fee of £50.Please submit your application via the consents@idbs.org.uk e-mail address. Your application will then be allocated to one of our engineers.
Appeal Received Date:This case has no appeals against it
Planning Obligation Status:Not available

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