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Details of Planning Application - CB/24/00413/REG3

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Application Details View Documents (opens in new window) Consultation
Application registeredConsultation periodAwaiting decisionDecidedAppealAppeal decided
Application Type:Regulation 3
Date Received:14 / 02 / 2024
Registration (Validation) Date:06 / 03 / 2024
Consultation Start Date:06 / 03 / 2024
Earliest Decision Date (Consultation Period Expires):19 / 07 / 2024
Target Date for Decision:01 / 05 / 2024
Location:St Andrews Lower School, Bantock Way, Biggleswade, SG18 8UQ
Parish Name:Biggleswade
Conservation Area:Not available
Listed Building Grade:Not available
Environmental Assessment:Not available
Expected Decision Level:Not available
Description:Installation of 2 temporary modular classrooms, extend covered walkway for access and create a temporary hard standing car park.
Case Officer:Eilis Edmonds
Case Officer Tel:0300 300 4736
Case Officer Email:eilis.edmonds@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Agent:Mr Margett
Suite 10
Essex House
Station Road
RM14 2SJ
Press Date:No date
Site Notice Date:No date
NeighboursResponses Received: 8
and Representatives:In Favour: 0
Representation DetailsAgainst: 8
Comments: 0
Petitions Against: 0
Petitions For: 0
Officer Site Visit Date:No date
Committee Site Visit Date:No date
Committee Meeting Date:24 / 07 / 2024
Decision Level:Development Management Committee
Date Decision Made:25 / 07 / 2024
Date Decision Despatched:25 / 07 / 2024
Decision:Regulation 3 - Granted
Conditions or Reasons:View Conditions or Reasons
Informative Notes:
1 )1) The applicant is reminded that, under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), it is an offence to: deliberately capture, disturb, injure or kill great crested newts; damage or destroy a breeding or resting place; deliberately obstructing access to a resting or sheltering place. Planning consent for a development does not provide a defence against prosecution under these acts. Ponds, other water bodies and vegetation, such as grassland, scrub and woodland, and also brownfield sites, may support great crested newts. Where proposed activities might result in one or more of the above offences, it is possible to apply for a derogation licence from Natural England or opt into Central Bedfordshire Council's District Licence. If a great crested newt is encountered during works , all works must cease until advice has been sought from Natural England, as failure to do so could result in prosecutable offences being committed. 2) The applicant is advised that no private surface water drainage system designed as part of a new development, will be allowed to enter any existing highway surface water drainage system. 3) The applicant is advised that the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 will apply to any works undertaken within the limits of the existing public highway. Further details can be obtained by contacting The Street Works Co-ordinator, Central Bedfordshire Highways, by contacting the Highways Helpdesk 0300 300 8301 or e-mail: streetworks@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk 4) The applicant is advised that no works associated with the CTMP should be carried out within the confines of the public highway without prior consent, in writing, of the Central Bedfordshire Council. Upon receipt of this Notice of Planning Approval, the applicant is advised to contact The Street Works Co-ordinator, Central Bedfordshire Highways, by contacting the Highways Helpdesk 0300 300 8301 quoting the Planning Application number. This will enable the necessary consent and procedures under the Highways Act to be implemented. 5) The applicant is advised that any temporary traffic orders, road or footpath closures, or temporary traffic management works required to facilitate the construction works are subject to separate processes with associated timescales and costs and should not be carried out within the confines of the public highway without prior consent, in writing, of the Central Bedfordshire Council. The applicant is advised to contact the Councils Streetworks Team to enable the necessary consent and procedures to be implemented. 6) The applicant is advised that the modular units are abnormal loads and the applicant will need to contact the police and the councils streetworks team prior to transportation of the units to ensure that there is a safe and suitable route for the delivery of the units 7) The applicant is advised that consideration should be had as to the introduction of staggered school hours in the formation of the revised Travel Plan, in order to ease congestion and parking on surrounding roads 8) When preparing Travel Plans, the school is encouraged to sign up to Modeshift STARS to achieve accreditation. Information can be found here: https://modeshiftstars.org/1) The applicant is reminded that, under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), it is an offence to: deliberately capture, disturb, injure or kill great crested newts; damage or destroy a breeding or resting place; deliberately obstructing access to a resting or sheltering place. Planning consent for a development does not provide a defence against prosecution under these acts. Ponds, other water bodies and vegetation, such as grassland, scrub and woodland, and also brownfield sites, may support great crested newts. Where proposed activities might result in one or more of the above offences, it is possible to apply for a derogation licence from Natural England or opt into Central Bedfordshire Council's District Licence. If a great crested newt is encountered during works , all works must cease until advice has been sought from Natural England, as failure to do so could result in prosecutable offences being committed. 2) The applicant is advised that no private surface water drainage system designed as part of a new development, will be allowed to enter any existing highway surface water drainage system. 3) The applicant is advised that the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 will apply to any works undertaken within the limits of the existing public highway. Further details can be obtained by contacting The Street Works Co-ordinator, Central Bedfordshire Highways, by contacting the Highways Helpdesk 0300 300 8301 or e-mail: streetworks@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk 4) The applicant is advised that no works associated with the CTMP should be carried out within the confines of the public highway without prior consent, in writing, of the Central Bedfordshire Council. Upon receipt of this Notice of Planning Approval, the applicant is advised to contact The Street Works Co-ordinator, Central Bedfordshire Highways, by contacting the Highways Helpdesk 0300 300 8301 quoting the Planning Application number. This will enable the necessary consent and procedures under the Highways Act to be implemented. 5) The applicant is advised that any temporary traffic orders, road or footpath closures, or temporary traffic management works required to facilitate the construction works are subject to separate processes with associated timescales and costs and should not be carried out within the confines of the public highway without prior consent, in writing, of the Central Bedfordshire Council. The applicant is advised to contact the Councils Streetworks Team to enable the necessary consent and procedures to be implemented. 6) The applicant is advised that the modular units are abnormal loads and the applicant will need to contact the police and the councils streetworks team prior to transportation of the units to ensure that there is a safe and suitable route for the delivery of the units 7) The applicant is advised that consideration should be had as to the introduction of staggered school hours in the formation of the revised Travel Plan, in order to ease congestion and parking on surrounding roads 8) When preparing Travel Plans, the school is encouraged to sign up to Modeshift STARS to achieve accreditation. Information can be found here: https://modeshiftstars.org/
Appeal Received Date:This case has no appeals against it
Planning Obligation Status:Not available

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