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Details of Planning Application - CB/24/01531/FULL

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Application Details View Documents (opens in new window) Consultation
Application registeredConsultation periodAwaiting decisionDecidedAppealAppeal decided
Application Type:Full Application
Date Received:24 / 05 / 2024
Registration (Validation) Date:27 / 05 / 2024
Consultation Start Date:27 / 05 / 2024
Earliest Decision Date (Consultation Period Expires):17 / 07 / 2024
Target Date for Decision:22 / 07 / 2024
Location:17 Helena Crescent, Fairfield, Hitchin, SG5 4SA
Parish Name:Fairfield
Conservation Area:Not available
Listed Building Grade:Not available
Environmental Assessment:Not available
Expected Decision Level:Not available
Description:Proposed rear roof loft conversion to a study/bedroom.
Case Officer:Grace Howard
Case Officer Tel:0300 300 6692
Case Officer Email:Grace.Howard@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Agent:Mr B Themuka
2 The Cloches
SG19 1PY
Press Date:No date
Site Notice Date:04 / 06 / 2024
NeighboursResponses Received: 0
and Representatives:In Favour: 0
Representation DetailsAgainst: 0
Comments: 0
Petitions Against: 0
Petitions For: 0
Officer Site Visit Date:04/06/2024
Committee Site Visit Date:No date
Committee Meeting Date:No date
Decision Level:Officer Delegated
Date Decision Made:22 / 07 / 2024
Date Decision Despatched:22 / 07 / 2024
Decision:Full Application - Granted
Conditions or Reasons:View Conditions or Reasons
Informative Notes:
1 )Reasons For Granting, The property is a semi detached dwellinghouse located on Helena Crescent in Fairfield. The proposal consists of a rear dormer and loft conversion measuring a width of 3.3m, a height of 2m and 2.1m protruding from the roofslope. Additionally, it is also located 0.8m from the eaves of the original roof of the dwellinghouse, and would measure 0.9m and 1.27m from the edges of the original roof. The proposal is located to the rear of the application site, and would not be visible from the streetscene of Helena Crescent. Although no other rear dormers are located within the vicinity of the application site, a nearby property has gained permission for front and rear dormers on their garage. On balance, it is not considered that the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the streetscene and the surrounding area. It is noted that the originally submitted proposal (plan number SE.02.03) contained a rear dormer which would be built directly to the eaves of the original roof, and would also be built to the edge of the roofslope on one side. Revised plans showing a more modest dormer were received during the application process. The proposal would not overlook any properties to the rear, and therefore would not lead to any overlooking concerns to the rear. The adjacent semi-detached neighbour (19 Helena Crescent) does not have any windows located on the roofslope of their property, and therefore it is not considered that the windows and bulk of the rear dormer would not lead to a loss of light, loss of privacy or overbearing impact on this adjacent neighbour. Views form the window would be similar to that of the existing first floor rear windows. Additionally, the proposal is separated from the boundary line between the two properties by a distance of 0.925m, therefore reducing any material impacts the proposal may have on this adjacent neighbour. The other adjacent neighbour (15 Helena Crescent) is set at a forward position compared to the application site, and is separated by some 8.6m from the main dwellinghouse, and therefore would not be negatively impacted by the proposal. All other properties were sufficiently separated from the application site to have any material impact. A Highways Officer was consulted on this proposal in order to assess the parking provision on the application site. It is noted that Helena Crescent is still a private road, and the applicant should contact the developer to ascertain if the proposal is acceptable. The property would move from a three bedroom to a four bedroom dwelling (as it is noted that the existing fourth bedroom falls under the standards set as a bedroom within the Central Bedfordshire Design Guide), and therefore three on-site parking spaces would be required. This is considered to be achievable, and therefore the proposal would be able to provide enough parking provision to allow of this proposal to be implemented. It is noted that the highway officer suggested a condition relating to the protection of the car parking area, including the garage, however it is not considered reasonable in terms of the condition tests to include a condition removing the ability for the garage to be used as storage. It is considered in this instance that existing parking provision is acceptable. It is noted that the application is located within the Fairfield development, however the application site is not located within Article 4 direction as dictated by planning reference (CB/20/02471/ART4). Therefore, permitted development rights have not been removed from the application site, and constraints outlined within the Article 4 direction are not applicable to this site. However, the Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan (2016-2026) is still applicable to the site and the Fairfield Parish Council was consulted on this application. No objection was raised by the Parish Council, and it is considered that this proposal would be in conformity with the Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan. Archaeology and Ecology Officers were both consulted on this application, and no objections were raised. This application was also subject to a public and neighbour consultation and no representations were received. Given the siting, design and scale of the proposal, it is considered that the proposal would not have a material impact on the residential amenities of the neighbouring properties, and that there would be no detrimental impacts on the character and appearance of the surrounding area. The proposal is considered to be in conformity with the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan, Central Bedfordshire Design Guide and the Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan (2016-2026).Reasons For Granting, The property is a semi detached dwellinghouse located on Helena Crescent in Fairfield. The proposal consists of a rear dormer and loft conversion measuring a width of 3.3m, a height of 2m and 2.1m protruding from the roofslope. Additionally, it is also located 0.8m from the eaves of the original roof of the dwellinghouse, and would measure 0.9m and 1.27m from the edges of the original roof. The proposal is located to the rear of the application site, and would not be visible from the streetscene of Helena Crescent. Although no other rear dormers are located within the vicinity of the application site, a nearby property has gained permission for front and rear dormers on their garage. On balance, it is not considered that the proposal would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the streetscene and the surrounding area. It is noted that the originally submitted proposal (plan number SE.02.03) contained a rear dormer which would be built directly to the eaves of the original roof, and would also be built to the edge of the roofslope on one side. Revised plans showing a more modest dormer were received during the application process. The proposal would not overlook any properties to the rear, and therefore would not lead to any overlooking concerns to the rear. The adjacent semi-detached neighbour (19 Helena Crescent) does not have any windows located on the roofslope of their property, and therefore it is not considered that the windows and bulk of the rear dormer would not lead to a loss of light, loss of privacy or overbearing impact on this adjacent neighbour. Views form the window would be similar to that of the existing first floor rear windows. Additionally, the proposal is separated from the boundary line between the two properties by a distance of 0.925m, therefore reducing any material impacts the proposal may have on this adjacent neighbour. The other adjacent neighbour (15 Helena Crescent) is set at a forward position compared to the application site, and is separated by some 8.6m from the main dwellinghouse, and therefore would not be negatively impacted by the proposal. All other properties were sufficiently separated from the application site to have any material impact. A Highways Officer was consulted on this proposal in order to assess the parking provision on the application site. It is noted that Helena Crescent is still a private road, and the applicant should contact the developer to ascertain if the proposal is acceptable. The property would move from a three bedroom to a four bedroom dwelling (as it is noted that the existing fourth bedroom falls under the standards set as a bedroom within the Central Bedfordshire Design Guide), and therefore three on-site parking spaces would be required. This is considered to be achievable, and therefore the proposal would be able to provide enough parking provision to allow of this proposal to be implemented. It is noted that the highway officer suggested a condition relating to the protection of the car parking area, including the garage, however it is not considered reasonable in terms of the condition tests to include a condition removing the ability for the garage to be used as storage. It is considered in this instance that existing parking provision is acceptable. It is noted that the application is located within the Fairfield development, however the application site is not located within Article 4 direction as dictated by planning reference (CB/20/02471/ART4). Therefore, permitted development rights have not been removed from the application site, and constraints outlined within the Article 4 direction are not applicable to this site. However, the Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan (2016-2026) is still applicable to the site and the Fairfield Parish Council was consulted on this application. No objection was raised by the Parish Council, and it is considered that this proposal would be in conformity with the Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan. Archaeology and Ecology Officers were both consulted on this application, and no objections were raised. This application was also subject to a public and neighbour consultation and no representations were received. Given the siting, design and scale of the proposal, it is considered that the proposal would not have a material impact on the residential amenities of the neighbouring properties, and that there would be no detrimental impacts on the character and appearance of the surrounding area. The proposal is considered to be in conformity with the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan, Central Bedfordshire Design Guide and the Fairfield Neighbourhood Plan (2016-2026).
2 )Based on information submitted there are no known issues raised in the context of Human Rights / The Equalities Act 2010 and as such there would be no relevant implications.Based on information submitted there are no known issues raised in the context of Human Rights / The Equalities Act 2010 and as such there would be no relevant implications.
3 )GDP Policy Informative Central Beds Local Plan In accordance with Article 35 (1) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, the reason for any condition above relates to the Policies as referred to in the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).GDP Policy Informative Central Beds Local Plan In accordance with Article 35 (1) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015, the reason for any condition above relates to the Policies as referred to in the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
4 )This permission relates only to that required under the Town & Country Planning Acts and does not include any consent or approval under any other enactment or under the Building Regulations. Any other consent or approval which is necessary must be obtained from the appropriate authority.This permission relates only to that required under the Town & Country Planning Acts and does not include any consent or approval under any other enactment or under the Building Regulations. Any other consent or approval which is necessary must be obtained from the appropriate authority.
5 )Will a new extension affect your Council Tax Charge? The rate of Council Tax you pay depends on which valuation band your home is placed in. This is determined by the market value of your home as at 1 April 1991. Your property's Council Tax band may change if the property is extended.  The Council Tax band will only change when a relevant transaction takes place. For example, if you sell your property after extending it, the new owner may have to pay a higher band of Council Tax. If however you add an annexe to your property, the Valuation Office Agency may decide that the annexe should be banded separately for Council Tax.  If this happens, you will have to start paying Council Tax for the annexe as soon as it is completed. If the annexe is occupied by a relative of the residents of the main dwelling, it may qualify for a Council Tax discount or exemption.  Contact the Council for advice on 0300 300 8306. The website link is: https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/council-tax-bandsWill a new extension affect your Council Tax Charge? The rate of Council Tax you pay depends on which valuation band your home is placed in. This is determined by the market value of your home as at 1 April 1991. Your property's Council Tax band may change if the property is extended.  The Council Tax band will only change when a relevant transaction takes place. For example, if you sell your property after extending it, the new owner may have to pay a higher band of Council Tax. If however you add an annexe to your property, the Valuation Office Agency may decide that the annexe should be banded separately for Council Tax.  If this happens, you will have to start paying Council Tax for the annexe as soon as it is completed. If the annexe is occupied by a relative of the residents of the main dwelling, it may qualify for a Council Tax discount or exemption.  Contact the Council for advice on 0300 300 8306. The website link is: https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/council-tax-bands
Appeal Received Date:This case has no appeals against it
Planning Obligation Status:Not available

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