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Details of Planning Application - CB/24/02529/NMA

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Application Details View Documents (opens in new window) Consultation
Application registeredConsultation periodAwaiting decisionDecidedAppealAppeal decided
Application Type:Non-material Change to Permission
Date Received:28 / 08 / 2024
Registration (Validation) Date:29 / 08 / 2024
Consultation Start Date:29 / 08 / 2024
Earliest Decision Date (Consultation Period Expires):No date
Target Date for Decision:26 / 09 / 2024
Location:Haynes Park, Church End Road, Haynes, Bedford, MK45 3BL
Parish Name:Haynes
Conservation Area:Haynes (Church End)
Listed Building Grade:Ecclesiastical One
Environmental Assessment:Not available
Expected Decision Level:Not available
Description:Non-material amendment to planning permission CB/20/01367/FULL (Meeting Hall (Class D1) incorporating ancillary facilities including toilets, medical rooms and circulation. Demolition of the pool structure and landscaping including reinstatement of historic landscape features, hard and soft standing and a wilderness garden.) amendment sought: 1. Levelling FFL to 84.10 metres across entirety of building; 2. Changes to landscape to accommodate the levelling-off of building;3. Alteration to number of steps and ramps around building following level changes; 4. Alteration DDA parking layout to allow for level changes; 5. Removal of one MEP louver scoop; and 6. Amendments to roof perimeter edge.
Case Officer:Annabel Robinson
Case Officer Tel:0300 300 4158
Case Officer Email:annabel.robinson@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Agent:Miss R McGall
70 St Mary Axe
Press Date:No date
Site Notice Date:No date
NeighboursResponses Received: 0
and Representatives:In Favour: 0
Representation DetailsAgainst: 0
Comments: 0
Petitions Against: 0
Petitions For: 0
Officer Site Visit Date:No date
Committee Site Visit Date:No date
Committee Meeting Date:No date
Decision:This case has not yet been decided
Appeal Received Date:This case has no appeals against it
Planning Obligation Status:Not available

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