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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/19/02071/MW
Conditions or Reasons:
1) Planning permission shall extend to the area edged with a red line on the attached plan ref. no. CB/15/02227/MW-1 (dated February 2016). Except as modified by others conditions of this permission, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with:

(A) the original planning application dated 10 November 2009 (ref. CB/09/06566/MW) as supported and amended by Atkins' letters dated 23 December 2009 and 5 January 2010 and enclosures referred to therein; as varied by:

(B) the first Section 73 planning application (ref. CB/15/02227/MW) dated 15 June 2015 and accompanying Addendum Report of the same date; as further varied by:

(C) the second Section 73 application (ref. CB/19/02071/MW) dated 20 June 2019 and supporting letter from SLR of the same date.

REASON: To provide certainty as to what is being authorised by this permission.
2) Condition 2, previously attached to planning permission ref. CB/15/02227/MW, is no longer applicable and has therefore been deleted rather than carried forward to this latest permission.
3) The waste importation and tipping operations hereby permitted shall cease not later than 30 June 2020. Written notification of the date of cessation of waste importation and tipping operations shall be sent to the Local Planning Authority within 7 days of such cessation. Restoration and landscaping of the site (excluding aftercare requirements) shall be completed by 31 December 2020.

REASON: To ensure the development hereby permitted is completed within a reasonable timescale in accordance with saved Policy GE26 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
4) The final landform and surface restoration levels shall accord with the pre-settlement restoration contours shown on Drawing no. 4092431/407 Rev. A.

REASON: To restrict development not authorised by this permission.
5) Upon completion of reinstatement of the site by importation of waste, but prior to the commencement of final landscaping works, a topographical survey of the site (at 1 metre intervals) shall be carried out and submitted to the Local Planning Authority. The survey shall demonstrate that the site has been reinstated in accordance with the pre-settlement restoration contours shown on Drawing no. 4092431/407 Rev A.

REASON: To demonstrate compliance with condition 4 of this permission in accordance with saved Policy GE26 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
6) No operations authorised or required by this permission, including vehicle movements into and out of the site, but excluding essential plant maintenance, shall take place except between the following hours:
0700 to 1700 hours Mondays to Fridays
0700 to 1300 hours Saturday

No operations authorised or required by this permission shall take place on Sundays and Public / Bank Holidays.

REASON: To protect the amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance with saved Policy GE18 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
7) There shall be no vehicular access to and from the waste importation site other than via the existing approved entrance serving Bryant's Lane Quarry and all delivery vehicles shall use the approved internal haul route shown on drawing no. 4092431/401.

REASON: In the interests of highway and to restrict development to that applied for in accordance with saved Policies GE18 and GE23 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
8) No Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) shall depart the site at any time unless measures are employed on site to prevent the deposit of mud, clay, slurry, sand or other deleterious materials on the public highway. (For the purposes of this condition, a HGV means a Heavy Goods Vehicle above a gross weight of 7.5 tonnes).

REASON: In the interests of local amenity and highway safety in accordance with saved Policies GE18 and GE23 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
9) On any weekday there shall not be more than a combined daily total of 160 Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements into / out of Bryant's Lane Quarry, including those made in connection with this permission. On any Saturday there shall not be more than a combined total of 80 Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) movements into / out of Bryant's Lane Quarry, including those made in connection with this permission. (For the purposes of this condition, a HGV means a Heavy Goods Vehicle above a gross weight of 7.5 tonnes and a single HGV entering and leaving the site, irrespective of whether it is loaded or empty, shall count as 2 HGV movements).

REASON: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience for highway users and to ensure consistency with restrictions imposed on other extant planning consents on the Bryant's and Reach Lane Quarry complex in accordance with saved Policy GE23 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
10) A daily record of all Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) movements using the Bryant's Lane Quarry entrance shall be maintained at all times and shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority within 7 calendar days of any written request, and at the end of every 6 month period from the beginning to the conclusion of waste importation operations. (For the purposes of this condition, a HGV means a Heavy Goods Vehicle above a gross weight of 7.5 tonnes).

REASON: To allow monitoring of compliance with condition 9 of this permission.
11) No operations hereby permitted shall take place except in accordance with the scheme for the provision and use of a CCTV camera system for monitoring of the weighbridge and entrance areas, including allowance for remote access viewing of live and recorded footage by officers of the Local Planning Authority, as approved by virtue of the Council's Decision Letter dated 18 July 2012 (ref. CB/12/01415/MWS).

REASON: To allow monitoring of traffic movements, operating times and the condition of the site entrance and public highway in accordance with saved Policies GE18 and GE23 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
12) No waste other than dry, solid inert waste material shall be deposited on the site.

REASON: To prevent possible contamination of the groundwater and to protect the amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance with saved Policies GE17 and GE18 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
13) No operations hereby permitted shall take place except in accordance with the updated dust management and monitoring measures detailed in the documents and letter attached to SLR's e-mail dated 15 April 2020.

REASON: To minimise any nuisance to nearby properties by reason of dust in accordance with saved Policy GE18 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
14) Condition 14, previously attached to planning permission ref. CB/15/02227/MW, is no longer applicable and has therefore been deleted rather than carried forward to this latest permission.
15) No operations hereby permitted shall take place except in accordance with the scheme for monitoring and control of noise approved by virtue of the Council's Decision Letter dated 23 June 2011 (scheme ref. CB/10/03023/MWS).

REASON: To minimise disturbance to nearby sensitive receptors by reason of noise in accordance with saved Policy GE18 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
16) No floodlighting shall be used on site except in accordance with a scheme which has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, no floodlighting shall be used on site except in accordance with the approved scheme.

REASON: To minimise disturbance to the local environment by reason of illumination in accordance with saved Policy GE18 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
17) There shall be no discharge of foul or contaminated drainage from the site either into groundwater or any surface waters, whether direct or via soakaways.

REASON: To prevent the possible contamination of groundwater in accordance with saved Policy GE17 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
18) Any facilities for the storage of oils, fuels or chemicals shall be sited on impervious bases and surrounded by impervious bunded walls. The volume of the bunded compound shall be at least equivalent to the capacity of the tank plus 10%. All filling points, vents, gauges and sightglasses must be located within the bund. The drainage system of the bund shall be sealed with no discharge to any watercourse, land or underground strata. Associated pipework shall be located above ground and protected from accidental damage and all filling points and tank overflow pipe outlets shall be detailed to discharge downwards into the bund.

REASON: To prevent the possible contamination of groundwater in accordance with saved Policy GE17 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
19) Condition 19, previously attached to planning permission ref. CB/15/02227/MW, is no longer applicable and has therefore been deleted rather than carried forward to this latest permission.
20) Engineering clays and overburden shall be sourced from Bryant's Lane Quarry to supplement the imported waste material so as to make up the identified shortfall of on-site restoration materials for the site (Restoration Area 5), in accordance with details contained within paragraph 4.12 of the November 2009 document entitled 'Application for the Importation of Inert Waste for the Purposes of Restoration at Reach Quarry, Heath and Reach Planning Supporting Statement'.

REASON: To restrict development not authorised by this permission.
21) The works for surface water drainage of the restored site (Restoration Area 5) shall be carried out in accordance with drawing nos. 4092431/500 Rev A 'Drainage Layout' (dated 08/06/10) and 4092431/501 'Drainage Details' (dated 08/06/10) submitted under cover of Atkins' letter dated 28 July 2010, as amplified and clarified by e-mail correspondence from Atkins dated 12 October 2010 and 23 June 2011. The surface water drainage system shall be fully installed within the permitted timeframe for completion of site restoration as specified in condition 3 of this permission.

REASON: To provide for satisfactory drainage of the restored site in accordance with saved Policies GE17, GE19 and GE26 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
22) Final landscape restoration of the site, including the laying out of a bridle path (bridleway), shall be carried out in accordance with Drawing no. 4092431/427 Rev. A (Proposed Landscape Restoration Area 5, dated 08.06.15) and the details approved by virtue of the Council's Decision Letter dated 27 June 2011 (scheme refs. CB/11/02004/MWS and CB/10/04143/MWS) as amended by Atkins' letter dated 30 January 2012 in respect of modified seed mixes for the grazing pasture and open grassland / meadow areas.

REASON: To provide for the satisfactory restoration of the site in accordance with saved Policies GE21 and GE26 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
23) Aftercare and management of the restored site shall be carried out in accordance with the detailed scheme approved by virtue of the Council's Decision Letter dated 27 June 2011 (scheme ref. CB/10/04145/MWS). This scheme shall be implemented upon completion of final restoration and landscaping of the site (Restoration Area 5) for a period of 5 years.

REASON: To ensure that over time the land can sustain the approved afteruses in accordance with saved Policy GE27 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005
24) Throughout the period of inert waste importation and restoration operations, a copy of this planning permission and relevant plans, documents and schemes shall be displayed on site during working hours in a location which is readily accessible to any person undertaking the development.

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt.
25) The existing boundary hedgerows around the Reach and Bryant's Lane Quarry complex shall be managed in accordance with sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the document entitled 'Hedgerow Survey and Management Proposals' (dated May 2011). These management requirements shall be complied with for the duration of the waste importation and restoration operations hereby permitted.

REASON: To secure landscape and habitat enhancements on the quarry complex in accordance with saved Policies GE9 and GE12 of the Bedfordshire & Luton Minerals & Waste Local Plan 2005.
26) Details of the tonnage of inert waste imported to the site shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority by 31 March each year covering the preceding calendar year (1 January to 31 December).

REASON: To allow the monitoring of annual waste inputs and progression of the development.

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