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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/19/02317/VOC
Conditions or Reasons:
1) The use of the sports hall by registered community groups shall be for a temporary period of 12 months from the date of this decision notice, 13th March 2020, and the use of the sports hall by those groups shall cease on or before 13th March 2021, unless before that date the Local Planning Authority has granted planning permission for that use's continuation.

Reason: To review the temporary permission at the expiry of the 12 month period (Policies BE8 & T10, SBLPR and section 9 & 12, NPPF)
2) The sports hall shall only be used for school purposes or hired out for use by registered community groups for sports related purposes. The sports hall shall not be open for use by the general public.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of nearby residential properties and to ensure the adequate provision of car parking on the site.
(Policies BE8 & T10, SBLPR and sections 9 & 12, NPPF)
3) The sports hall shall only be hired out to registered community groups for sports related purposes for their use between the following times:

During school term time
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 5pm to 9pm
Saturday - 9am to 5pm
Sunday - 9am to 5pm

Outside of school term time
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 9am to 9pm
Saturday - 9am to 5pm
Sunday - 9am to 5pm

Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity for the occupiers of neighbouring properties. (Policy BE8, SBLPR and section 12, NPPF)
4) Within three months of the date of this permission, a Travel Plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Local Planning Authority for its approval in writing. The plan shall contain details of:
a. plans for the establishment of a working group involving the School, parents and representatives of the local community
b. pupil travel patterns and barriers to sustainable travel
c. measures to encourage and promote sustainable travel and transport for journeys to and from school
d. an action plan detailing targets
e. a timetable for implementing appropriate measures and plans for annual monitoring and review
f. measures to manage the car parking on site

All measures agreed therein shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved Plan. There shall be an annual review of the Travel Plan (for a period of 5 years from the date of approval of the Plan) to monitor progress in meeting the targets for reducing car journeys generated by the proposal and this shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for its approval in writing.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety, to reduce congestion and to promote the use of sustainable modes of transport (Policy T10, SBLPR and section 9, NPPF)
5) Within three months from the date of this permission, details for a noise management plan for the sports hall shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for its approval in writing. Thereafter the noise management plan shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted details approved at all times and any changes to such agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The approved noise management arrangements shall be made
known to all registered community groups hiring the sports hall at the time of booking.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of nearby residential properties and the local area (Policy BE8, SBLPR and sections 12 & 15, NPPF)
6) Throughout the course of development, all management practices shall be carried out in strict accordance with Section 4 "Tree Management" of the "Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Arboricultural Method Statement" prepared by Ecus Environmental Consultants dated February 2017.

Reason: To ensure that all development activity and practices avoids damage to retained trees, in order to maintain their health, stability and amenity value. (Section 15, NPPF)
7) During the first planting season (November to March) following completion of development, all landscape planting and aftercare shall be carried out in strict compliance with the "Landscape Planting Plan" (including planting notes) as prepared by LaDellWood (Drawing No. 2463/17/B/1, dated January 2017). The landscape planting shall then be satisfactorily maintained for a period of 5 years following completion of initial planting, with any losses
replaced in accordance with the approved planting plan and planting notes.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of landscape planting, aftercare and establishment, in the interests of providing visual amenity.
(Policies BE8 & NE3, SBLPR and Sections 12 & 15, NPPF)
8) The rating level of sound emitted from any fixed plant and/or machinery associated with the development shall not exceed a level 5dB(A) below the existing background sound levels at the any sound sensitive premises. All measurements shall be made in accordance with the methodology of BS4142 (2014) (Method for rating and assessing industrial and commercial
sound) and/or its subsequent amendments.

Reason: To protect the amenities of nearby residents. (Section 15, NPPF)
9) No external lighting shall be installed in association with the sports hall and the replacement tennis courts without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect both the amenity of neighbouring properties and the setting of the Area of Great Landscape Value. (Policies BE8 & NE3, SBLPR & sections 12 and 15, NPPF)
10) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plan, reference OBAMR1.

Reason: To identify the approved plan and to avoid doubt.

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