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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/19/03394/VOC
Conditions or Reasons:
1) The use hereby permitted shall be discontinued on or before 6th March 2024, in accordance with the time limit imposed on application CB/18/04383/FULL dated 20th March 2019, and within 6 months of this date all structures (if any) removed and the land re-instated to its pre-development condition as an agricultural field in accordance with a scheme of work previously submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the Green Belt, Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and an Area of Great Landscape Value.
(Section 13 and 15, NPPF)
2) The storage use hereby approved shall be solely for storage relating to the works undertaken by East West Rail Alliance in respect to Phase 2 of the East West Rail Major Infrastructure Project, and not for any other use.

 Reason: To ensure the use is specific to the very special circumstances demonstrated to clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt.
(Section 13, NPPF)
3) Details of the landscaping works shown on plan 2712.20 A (as approved under application CB/18/04383/FULL dated 20th March 2019), to include details of native species to be used and a scheme for landscape maintenance for the duration of the planning permission following the implementation of the landscaping scheme, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority within three months of the date of planning permission and subsequently approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented by the end of the full planting season immediately following this approval (a full planting season means the period from October to March). The landscaping works shall subsequently be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape maintenance scheme and any which die or are destroyed during this period shall be replaced during the next planting season.

Reason: To ensure an acceptable standard of landscaping to screen the storage area, and for the planting to integrate into the surrounding countryside.
(Policies BE8 & NE3, SBLPR and Sections 13 & 16, NPPF)
4) Within two months of the date of planning permission details of the improvements to the junction of the vehicular access, in accordance with the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, including tracking diagrams for an articulated vehicle (16.5m in length) accessing/egressing the site and turning within the development, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Within one month of approval, the applicant shall make an application to the Highway Authority to implement the works which shall be constructed within five months of approval and thereafter retained in perpetuity.

Reason: To provide adequate visibility between the existing highway and the vehicle access, and to make the access safe and convenient for the traffic which is likely to use it.
(Section 9, NPPF)
5) Within two months of the date of planning permission, details of a turning area suitable for HGV's shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and once approved the turning areas shall be constructed within two months of approval and thereafter retained in perpetuity.

Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off, park and turn outside the highway limits thereby avoiding the reversing of vehicles on to the highway.
(Section 9, NPPF)
6) Visibility splays shall be provided at the junction of the access with the public highway. The minimum dimensions to provide the required splay lines shall be 2.4m measured along the centre line of the improved access from its junction with the channel of the public highway and 215m measured either side from the centre line of the proposed access along the line of the channel of the public highway. The required vision splays shall, on land in the applicant's control, be kept free of any obstruction.

Reason: To provide adequate visibility between the existing highway and the modified access and to make the access safe and convenient for the traffic which is likely to use it.
(Section 9, NPPF)
7) Within two months of the date of this permission, a scheme for the parking of cars and HGV's on the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall comply with the standards of the Local Planning Authority and once approved shall be constructed within two months of approval and thereafter retained in perpetuity.

Reason: To ensure the provision for vehicle parking clear of the public highway.
(Section 9, NPPF)
8) The proposed driveway shall be constructed and surfaced in a stable and durable material in accordance with details to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for a minimum distance of 20m into the site, measured from the highway boundary, before the premises are occupied. Arrangements shall be made for surface water drainage from the site to be intercepted and disposed of separately so that it does not discharge into the highway.

Reason: To avoid the carriage of mud or other extraneous material or surface water from the site into the highway so as to safeguard the interest of the highway.
(Section 9, NPPF)
9) Any gates provided shall open away from the highway and be set back a distance of at least 20m from the nearside edge of the carriageway of the adjoining highway.

Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off the highway before the gates are opened.
(Section 9, NPPF)
10) The premises shall not be used, including deliveries to and from the site, except between 0800 hours and 1700 hours Monday to Friday and at no time on Saturdays, Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays, without the prior agreement in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the amenity of neighbouring residents.
(Policy BE8, SBLPR and Section 16, NPPF)
11) There shall be no lighting on the application site.

Reason: To protect the Green Belt, Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and an Area of Great Landscape Value.
(Section 13 and 16, NPPF)
12) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers C2712.20 A and C2712.19 as approved under application CB/18/04383/FULL dated 20th March 2019.

Reason: To identify the approved plans and to avoid doubt.
13) The storage or stacking of materials/products at the site should be limited to no greater than 3 metres in height.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development and in the interests of safeguarding the Green Belt and to safeguard the character of the area which is a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
(Section 12 and 13, NPPF)

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