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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/20/00687/FULL
Conditions or Reasons:
1) The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2) No development shall take place above slab level, notwithstanding the details submitted with the application, until details of the materials to be used for the external walls and roofs of the development hereby approved have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To control the appearance of the building in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality.
(Section 12, NPPF)
3) No development shall take place above slab level until a landscaping scheme to include all hard and soft landscaping (including boundary treatment) and a scheme for landscape maintenance for a period of five years following the implementation of the landscaping scheme have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented by the end of the full planting season immediately following the completion and/or first use of any separate part of the development (a full planting season means the period from October to March). The trees, shrubs and grass shall subsequently be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape maintenance scheme and any which die or are destroyed during this period shall be replaced during the next planting season.

Reason: To ensure an acceptable standard of landscaping.
(Sections 12 & 15, NPPF)
4) The development hereby approved shall only be implemented in full accordance with the following document: Written Scheme of Investigation for archaeological mitigation at land south of The Bungalow, Bedford Road, Bidwell. Houghton Regis Bedfordshire (MOLA Northampton, Version 2, 17th March 2020)."

Reason: In accordance with paragraph 199 of the National Planning Policy Framework to ensure that the developer records and advances understanding of the significance of any heritage assets with archaeological interest affected by development before they are lost (wholly or in part) and makes the results of the archaeological work (and any archive generated) publicly available.
(CS15 & DM13, CSDMP and Section 16, NPPF)
5) The development must be constructed in accordance with the Sustainability Statement dated 18th February 2020 and an appropriate evidence must be submitted and be approved by the Local Authority prior to occupation of the first dwelling.

Reason: In order to ensure sustainability of the development and to minimise development's impact on climate change, in accordance with the NPPF and Policies: BE8 of the adopted Local Plan.
5) The development must be constructed in accordance with the Sustainability Statement dated 18th February 2020 and an appropriate evidence must be submitted and be approved by the Local Authority prior to occupation of the first dwelling.

Reason: In order to ensure sustainability of the development and to minimise development's impact on climate change, in accordance with the NPPF and Policies: BE8 of the adopted Local Plan.
6) The development hereby approved shall not commence until a detailed surface water drainage scheme, to manage surface water runoff from the development for up to and including the 1 in 100 year event (+40%CC), and a maintenance and management plan for the scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The discharge rate from the development will be limited to the equivalent 1 in 1 year rate, or an appropriate rate as agreed by the Bedford Group of Internal Drainage Boards. The final detailed design shall be based on the agreed drainage Strategy (Ref: SDD BE5507-ipd Feb 2020) and DEFRAs Non-statutory technical standards for sustainable drainage systems (March 2018) and shall be implemented and maintained as approved. Maintenance will ensure the system functions as designed for the lifetime of the development. Any variation to the connections and controls indicated on the approved drawing which may be necessary at the time of construction would require the resubmission of those details to the Local Planning Authority for approval.
Reason: To ensure the approved system will function to a satisfactory minimum standard of operation and maintenance and prevent the increased risk of flooding both on and off site, in accordance with para 163 and 165 of the NPPF and its supporting technical guidance.
7) No building/dwelling shall be occupied until the developer has formally submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority a finalised 'Maintenance and Management Plan' for the entire surface water drainage system, inclusive of any adoption arrangements and/or private ownership or responsibilities, and that the approved surface water drainage scheme has been correctly and fully installed as per the final approved details. Management should include adjacent watercourses even if there is no discharge to them.
Reason: To ensure that the implementation and long term operation of a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) is in line with what has been approved, in accordance with Written Statement HCWS161, 18th December 2014.
8) No part of the development hereby approved shall be occupied until details of the junction between the proposed estate road and the highway have been approved by the Local Planning Authority and no building shall be occupied until that junction has been constructed in accordance with the approved details.

In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the proposed estate road and to ensure appropriate traffic calming along Bedford Road.
9) Before the new access is first brought into use, any existing access within the frontage of the land to be developed, not incorporated in the access hereby approved shall be closed in a manner to the Local Planning Authority's written approval. (HC 19)

In the interest of road safety and to reduce the number of points at which traffic will enter and leave the public highway.
10) The maximum gradient of all vehicular accesses onto the estate roads shall be 10% (1 in 10).

In the interests of the safety of persons using the access and users of the highway.
11) If the proposed road is not constructed to the full length and layout illustrated on the approved plan, a temporary turning space for vehicles shall be constructed within the site in a position to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any building taking access from the road is occupied.

To avoid the need for vehicles to reverse into or from the highway in the interest of road safety.
12) Before development is first occupied, the scheme for the parking of cycles shall be fully implemented in accordance with the approved details on plan Nos. PL-01K and PL-07.

To ensure the provision of adequate cycle parking to meet the needs of occupiers of the proposed development in the interests of encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport.
13) Details of bin storage/collection point shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and the approved scheme shall be implemented prior to the first occupation on the site.

In the interests of the visual amenity of the site (DM3 CSDMP and Chapter 12 NPPF).
14) Development shall not commence until a scheme detailing provision for on site parking for construction workers for the duration of the construction period has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be implemented throughout the construction period.

To ensure adequate off street parking during construction in the interests of road safety.
15) No development shall take place until a scheme for protecting the proposed dwellings
from noise from road traffic has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local
planning authority. The scheme shall follow the recommendations identified in the Clover
Acoustics Ltd report (Ref: 4334-R2) dated 4th September 2020. None of the dwellings shall
be occupied until such a scheme has been implemented in accordance with the approved
details and it shall be retained in accordance with those details thereafter.

Reason: In order to provide s
16) Prior to the first occupation on site a scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the provision of fire hydrants at the development. Prior to the first occupation of the dwellings the fire hydrants serving that development shall be installed as approved. Thereafter the fire hydrants shall be retained as approved in perpetuity.

Reason: Details are required prior to the commencement of development in order to ensure appropriate access to fire hydrants for use in the event of emergency in accordance with policy DM3 of Central Bedfordshire Core Strategy for the North and Section 12 of the NPPF.
17) The development hereby approved shall not commence until an Ecological Enhancement Strategy (EES) for the creation of new wildlife features as specified in 5.3 of the March 2020 PEA to include hibernacula, the inclusion of integrated bird/bat and bee boxes in buildings/structures, hedgehog holes in fences and tree, hedgerow, shrub and wildflower planting/establishment has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The content shall include the:

a) purpose and objectives for the proposed works;
b) detailed design(s) and/or working method(s) necessary to achieve stated objectives
(including, where relevant, type and source of materials to be used);
c) extent and location of proposed works shown on appropriate scale maps and plans;
d) timetable for implementation, demonstrating that works are aligned with the proposed
phasing of construction;
e) persons responsible for implementing the works;
f) details of initial aftercare and long-term maintenance.
The works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved details and shall
be retained in that manner thereafter.

Reason: To ensure development is ecologically sensitive and secures biodiversity enhancements in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.
18) The first floor windows in the side elevation of plots 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 and 30 shall also be permanently fitted with obscured glass of a type to substantially restrict vision through it at all times and shall be non-opening, unless the parts of the windows which can be opened are more than 1.7m above the floor of the room in which the window is installed.

Reason: To safeguard the privacy of occupiers of adjoining properties, in accordance with the NPPF, Policy BE8 of the adopted Local Plan and Policy HQ1 of the emerging Local Plan.
19) Prior to the construction of vehicular parking areas associated with the approved dwellings, a scheme for the charging of electric and ultra-low emission vehicles shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include timescales/ triggers for implementation of the scheme. The development shall be completed in accordance with these approved details including the agreed timescales/ triggers.

Reason: To assist with the transition to low-emission vehicles in line with paragraph 110 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).
20) Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 1, Class A of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no extensions to Plots 1, 2, 14 and 15 shall be carried out without the grant of further specific planning permission from the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To provide and maintain sufficient amenity space, in accordance with the NPPF, Policy BE8 of the adopted Local Plan and Policy HQ1 of the emerging Local Plan.
21) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers LO-01 B, PL-01K, PL-02A, PL-03A, PL-04A, PL-05B, PL-06B, PL-07.

Reason: To identify the approved plan/s and to avoid doubt.

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