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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/20/02334/OUT
Conditions or Reasons:
1) Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the local planning authority not later than three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2) Details of the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping, including boundary treatments (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any development begins and the development shall be carried out as approved.

Reason: To comply with Article 3 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015 (as amended).
3) The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved.

Reason: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
4) Any subsequent applications for reserved matters shall include details of the existing and final ground, ridge and slab levels of the development hereby approved. Such details shall include sections through both the site and the adjoining land. Thereafter the site shall be developed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure that an acceptable relationship results between the new development and adjacent buildings and public areas in accordance with Policy BE8 of the South Bedfordshire Local Plan Review.
5) Prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved, a Landscape Maintenance and Management Plan for a period of ten years from the date of its delivery in accordance with Condition 6 shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of the management body, who will be responsible for delivering the approved landscape maintenance and management plan. The landscaping shall be maintained and managed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the site would be acceptable in accordance with Policy DM3 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2009
6) Prior to first occupation of the development hereby approved, details of hard and soft landscaping (including details of robust planting schemes at the southern and western boundaries, boundary treatments and public amenity open space, Local Equipped Areas of Play and Local Areas of Play) together with a timetable for its implementation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out as approved and in accordance with the approved timetable.

Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the site would be acceptable in accordance with Policy DM3 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2009
7) No development shall take place above ground level until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the provision of fire hydrants at the development. Prior to the first occupation of the dwellings the fire hydrants serving that development shall be installed as approved. Thereafter the fire hydrants shall be retained as approved in perpetuity.
Reason: In order to ensure appropriate access to fire hydrants for use in the event of emergency in accordance with Policy DM3 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies 2009 and Section 12 of the NPPF.
8) No development approved by this permission shall take place until the following has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:
A Phase 2 investigation report as recommended by the previously submitted Jubb Consulting
Engineers Phase 1 Desk Study dated July 2020 ref 18108-DTS-02, along with a Remediation Method Statement should the Phase 2 discover the need for remediation.
The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To protect human health and the environment in accordance with Policy DM3 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Document (2009).
9) Prior to occupation of the development, details of charging plug-in points and other ultra low emission vehicles for dwellings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall indicate where visitor parking may contain such charging facilities. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the development.

Reason: To ensure the development protects and exploits opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes for the movement of people in accordance with section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
10) No occupation of any permitted building shall take place until the following has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:
A Validation Report by means of which the effectiveness of the remediation implemented by any Remediation Method Statement shall be demonstrated to the Local Planning Authority (to incorporate photographs and depth measurements).
Any unexpected contamination discovered during works should be brought to the attention of the Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect human health and the environment in accordance with Policy DM3 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Document (2009).
11) Prior to the construction above damp proof course, a scheme for on-site foul water drainage works, including connection point and discharge rate, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing. Prior to the occupation of any phase, the foul water drainage works relating to that phase must have been carried out in complete accordance with the approved scheme.

Reason: To prevent environmental and amenity problems arising from flooding, in accordance with the NPPF.
12) The development shall not be occupied until an updated residential travel plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The travel plan shall include:
Predicted travel to and from the site and targets to reduce car use
Details of existing and proposed transport links, to include links to both pedestrian, cycle and public transport networks
Proposals and measures to minimise private car use and facilitate walking, cycling and use of public transport
Timetable for implementation of measures designed to promote travel choice
Plans for monitoring and review, annually for a period of 5 years at which time the obligation will be reviewed by the planning authority
Details of provision of cycle parking in accordance with Council guidelines
Details of marketing and publicity for sustainable modes of transport to include site specific welcome packs. Welcome packs to include;
Walking, cycling, public transport and rights of way information. Site specific travel and transport information
Travel vouchers
Details of relevant pedestrian, cycle and public transport routes to/ from and within the site
Copies of relevant bus and rail timetables ·Details of the appointment of a travel plan co-ordinator

Reason: To promote sustainable modes of travel and to reduce the potential traffic impact of the development on the local highway network, in accordance with the NPPF.
13) A Public Art Plan is required and to be submitted to for approval by the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of any works on site. Installation of Public Art shall commence on site on occupation of 50% of dwellings. The Public Art Plan shall be implemented in full and as approved unless otherwise amended in accordance with a review to be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Condition will be discharged in two parts; 1) submission of a Public Art Plan for approval, 2) completion of implementation of art according to approved Public Art Plan.

REASON: To enhance place making and quality in development as endorsed in the NPPF Section 12 and a requirement of DM3 of the approved Local Plan.
14) Prior to the commencement of works above ground level, a site-wide lighting strategy shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing. The development shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To define the character of the development and to guide detailed submissions and to ensure that the details and appearance of the development are acceptable to the Local Planning Authority and in accordance with the NPPF.
15) The development is designed to maximise opportunities for renewable energy and is constructed to achieve sustainability standards stated in the Sustainability Statement dated July 2020. Site layout and design of dwellings that maximises opportunities for renewable energy generation must be agreed with Local Planning Authority prior to work commencing on site. Verification Report is to be submitted to provide evidence (Part L and Part G compliance documents) that the proposed standards were achieved prior to occupation of the first dwelling. Any changes to the agreed standards must be agreed with Local Planning Authority in writing.

Reason: in the interest of sustainability and climate change mitigation &adaptation as required by the NPPF and Local Plan policies CS13, DM1 and DM2.
16) Prior to the commencement of development an Arboricultural Method Statement shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing. The Method Statement shall specify procedures required to undertake tree protection measures including specifications for tree protection barriers (including any revisions to barrier locations); a schedule of tree works; a procedure for above soil installations; hard surface removal and excavations within root protection areas; phasing of work; arboricultural supervision including auditing tree protection and subsequent reporting to the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Method Statements.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of tree care and protection is planned, supervised, executed, recorded and reported at all times in the interests of maintaining tree health in accordance with good arboricultural practice and methodology. Details must be approved prior to the commencement of development to ensure the development is undertaken in a way which ensures a satisfactory standard of tree care and protection.
17) Any reserved matters application should be accompanied by a Biodiversity method statement for activities relating to construction has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The content of the method statement shall include the:

a) purpose and objectives for the proposed works in relation to bats, badger, otter and watervole;
b) detailed design(s) and/or working method(s) necessary to achieve stated objectives (including, where relevant, type and source of materials to be used);
c) extent and location of proposed works shown on appropriate scale maps and plans;
d) timetable for implementation, demonstrating that works are aligned with the proposed phasing of construction;
e) persons responsible for implementing the works;
f) initial aftercare and long-term maintenance (where relevant);
g) disposal of any wastes arising from works.

The works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved and shall be retained in that manner thereafter.

Reason: In the interests of ecology and to provide a net gain in terms of biodiversity, in accordance with Policy DM3 of the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Document (2009).
18) Any reserved matters application shall be accompanied by an Ecological Enhancement Strategy (EES) for the creation of new wildlife features such as bird/bat and bee boxes in buildings/structures and tree, hedgerow, shrub and wildflower planting/establishment has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Content shall include the:

a) detailed design of enhancements (including, where relevant, type and source of materials to be used);
b) extent and location of proposed works shown on appropriate scale maps and plans;
c) timetable for implementation, demonstrating that works are aligned with the proposed phasing of construction;
d) persons responsible for implementing the works;
e) details of initial aftercare and long-term maintenance.

Reason: To ensure development is ecologically sensitive and secures biodiversity enhancements in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.
19) As part of any future reserved matters submission, details of the housing types and tenures proposed shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The details shall include not less than 17 units of mainstream housing suitable for older people. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To provide a mix of housing, in accordance with Policy DM3 of the adopted Local Plan and the NPPF.
20) No dwelling shall be occupied until the off-site highway works as shown on drawing no. SK_T_007 Rev.P11 have been constructed. The proposed highways works shall be retained thereafter in accordance with the approved details.
Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and the premises, in accordance with Policy DM3 of the adopted Local Plan, Policy HQ1 of the emerging Local Plan and the NPPF.
21) No building shall be occupied until the junction of the proposed vehicular access along with footways across the entire site frontage on the A600 with the highway (as per drawing SK_T_007 Rev P11) has been constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and the premises in accordance with the NPPF.
22) The development at reserved matters shall be served by means of roads and footpaths which shall be laid out and drained in accordance with the Central Bedfordshire Design Guide September 2014 or other such documents that replace them, and no building shall be occupied until the roads and footpaths which provide access to it from the existing highway have been laid out and constructed in accordance with the above-mentioned Guidance.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the proposed estate road, in accordance with the NPPF.
23) Visibility splays shall be provided as shown on drawing SK_T_007 Rev P11 at the junction of the access with the public highway before the development is brought into use. The minimum dimensions to provide the required splay lines shall be 2.4m measured along the centre line of the proposed access from its junction with the channel of the public highway and 43m measured from the centre line of the proposed access along the line of the channel of the public highway. The required vision splays shall for the perpetuity of the development remain free of any obstruction to visibility.

Reason: To provide adequate visibility between the existing highway and the proposed access(es), and to make the access(es) safe and convenient for the traffic which is likely to use it (them), in accordance with the NPPF.
24) The detailed layout plans to be submitted for approval of reserved matters in connection with this development shall illustrate independent vehicular turning head areas for an 11.5m long refuse collection vehicle. Car and cycle parking shall also be provided in accordance with the relevant parking standards at the time of the submitted reserved matters.

Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off, park and turn outside the highway limits thereby avoiding the reversing of vehicles on to the highway and parking to meet the needs of occupiers of the proposed development in the interests of encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport, in accordance with the NPPF
25) The detailed layout plans to be submitted for approval of reserved matters in connection with this development shall include car and cycle parking in accordance with Central Bedfordshire Design Guide September 2014 or other such documents that replace them has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved parking shall be implemented and made available for each dwelling before it is occupied and the car and cycle parking areas shall not thereafter be used for any other purpose.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development in accordance with the Central Bedfordshire Design Guide September 2014.
26) Any subsequent applications for reserved matters shall include details of the play space proposed within the site. The development shall be developed in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure that an acceptable level of play space in accordance with the NPPF.
27) No development shall commence until a detailed surface water drainage scheme, to manage surface water runoff from the development for up to and including the 1 in 100 year event (+40%CC), and a maintenance and management plan for the scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The discharge rate from the development will be limited to an appropriate rate as agreed by the Bedford Group of Internal Drainage Boards. The final detailed design shall be based on the agreed FRA and Drainage Strategy (Ref: Jubb 18108-FRA01-V2 June 2020) and DEFRAs Non-statutory technical standards for sustainable drainage systems (March 2018) and shall be implemented and maintained as approved. Maintenance will ensure the system functions as designed for the lifetime of the development. Any variation to the connections and controls indicated on the approved drawing which may be necessary at the time of construction would require the resubmission of those details to the Local Planning Authority for approval.

Reason: To ensure the approved system will function to a satisfactory minimum standard of operation and maintenance and prevent the increased risk of flooding both on and off site, in accordance with para 163 and 165 of the NPPF and its supporting technical guidance.
28) No building/dwelling shall be occupied until the developer has formally submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority a finalised 'Maintenance and Management Plan' for the entire surface water drainage system, inclusive of any adoption arrangements and/or private ownership or responsibilities, and that the approved surface water drainage scheme has been correctly and fully installed as per the final approved details.

Reason: To ensure that the implementation and long term operation of a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) is in line with what has been approved, in accordance with Written Statement HCWS161, 18th December 2014
29) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers P20-0833_01D, P20-0833_14 REV: B. and SK_T_007 Rev.P11.

Reason: To identify the approved plan/s and to avoid doubt.

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