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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/20/02720/FULL
Conditions or Reasons:
1) The proposed development is unacceptable in principle as it represents inappropriate development in the Green Belt, which is by definition harmful and would cause harm to its openness due to its scale and position. The proposal would represent encroachment into the countryside, in conflict with one of the five purposes of the Green Belt. No material considerations have been identified that clearly outweigh the harm caused to the Green Belt and any other harm. Consequently 'very special circumstances' do not exist, and the development is contrary to the aims and objectives of Section 13 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
2) The proposed development, by virtue of its scale and position would be visually intrusive and harmful to the character of the site and wider street scene and rural setting. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy BE8 of the South Bedfordshire Local Plan Review, in that it would adversely effect the setting of the site, and Section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

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