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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/20/03953/FULL
Conditions or Reasons:
1) The proposed development represents inappropriate development within the Green Belt which, by definition is harmful and would cause demonstrable harm to openness due to its greater impact than the former use. No material considerations have been demonstrated that clearly outweigh the harm caused to the Green Belt and any other harm. Consequently, 'very special circumstances' do not exist, and the development is contrary to the aims and objectives of Section 13 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
2) The proposed development would result in an intensification of use of an existing access at a point where visibility is substandard and would lead to conditions of danger and inconvenience to people using it and to highway users in general. The proposal would therefore conflict with the aims and objectives of Section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
3) The proposal by virtue of its layout would fail to provide a suitable access and the parking falls below minimum size requirements, which would be detrimental to highway safety and therefore conflict with the aims and objectives of Section 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

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