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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/21/00148/OUT
Conditions or Reasons:
1) Reserved Matters
Approval of the details of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development within each area approved as identified on the Areas and Phasing Plan required by condition 7, (herein called 'the reserved matters') shall be obtained in writing from the Local Planning Authority before development is commenced within that area. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To comply with Article 5(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.
2) Time Limits
Application for approval of the reserved matters for each area or sub-area, (as identified on the Areas and Phasing Plan required by condition 7), shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of ten years from the date of this permission. The development shall begin no later than two years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, if approved on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved.

Reason: To comply with Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
3) Approved plans
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the Approved plans, drawing nos. OHB0045/002 Rev A (Location Plan), OHB045/005 Revision J (Parameter Plan), PC1336-RHD-CE-H1-DR-D-0001 Revision P05 (Main Access Roundabout) and 7175_007_B.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
4) Amount of Residential Development

No more than 1,130 dwellings (C3 use class) shall be constructed at the site.

Reason: To ensure that the development is compatible with the planning permission.
5) Commercial Development
Commercial development shall be delivered only within a Local Centre of no more than 1 hectare of land and shall be restricted to the following uses:
Use Class E,
Community Centre (Use Class F2),
pub / drinking establishment (with or without expanded food provision),
hot food take-aways,
betting office; and / or
vehicle hire business

There shall be no more than 500 square metres of retail (Use Class E(a)) within the Local Centre. There shall be no more than 3,500 square metres of commercial (non-retail) floor space.

Reason: To ensure that the development is compatible with the planning permission and to ensure that any retail provision does not weaken the vitality of the emerging Wixams Town Centre.
(Policy R1, CBLP and Section 7, NPPF)
6) Site Wide Design Code

No reserved matters application shall be submitted until a Site Wide Design Code (SWDC) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The SWDC shall reflect the principles of the character areas that were set in the Wixam Park Master Plan Document (April 2015) as refined in the Wixam Park Design and Access Statement (December 2020) and shall be in accordance with the approved Parameter Plan (drawing no. OHB045/005 Revision J) and the Wixam Park Landscape and Green Infrastructure Strategy document. The site wide Design Code shall include:

design principles for the built form in each character area;
detailed coding for the green, grey and blue infrastructure in each character area, to include
specifications for formal and informal open space,
play areas, equipment and buffer zones,
boundary treatments,
woodland creation,
public art,
street hierarchy,
typical street cross sections to include locations of tree planting, surface water drainage features, underground utility trenches and on street parking
parking strategy,
street tree strategy,
street furniture,
bus stops,
hedgerow design,
lighting in the public realm; and
SuDS features;
a regulatory plan demonstrating access and movement networks, key frontages, height and massing, views and vistas, block typology, and the functional arrangements for the local centre;
a site wide masterplan that sets the disposition of land uses, layout of the development, disposition of landscape and major open spaces, alignment of primary and strategic infrastructure, rights of way networks, opportunities for sustainable energy solutions and service provision; and
a development framework plan that quantifies maximum dwelling numbers and gross commercial space allowance for each of the built land uses, to be defined in Condition 7.
a plan identifying those areas and features on site that are particularly sensitive for bats, where external lighting would be likely to cause disturbance in or around their breeding sites and resting places or along important routes used to access key areas of their territory (e.g., for foraging) to ensure that these areas remain dark.

Subsequent reserved matters application shall accord with the principles of the approved SWDC and shall be accompanied by a statement which demonstrates compliance with the SWDC.

Reason: To ensure the development is high quality and is delivered in a cohesive manner.
(Policy HQ1 and HQ9, CBLP and Section 12, NPPF)
7) Areas and Phasing Plan

Prior to the submission of the first residential or commercial reserved matters application, an Areas and Phasing Plan for the entire application site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The Areas and Phasing Plan shall define the location and extent of the local centre, each of the two school sites, the curtilage of the care accommodation, indicative locations to be marketed for self-build and custom build housing, and each residential area and shall include the approximate number of dwellings in each residential area. The Areas and Phasing Plan shall identify which areas will be delivered in which phase of the development and shall define how each identified area relates to the following:
movement network;
vehicular access point(s) to areas;
highway and active connection points to the north and south of the site;
structural landscaping;
open space and play areas;
surface water attenuation areas; and
the delivery of bus services;

and shall set out clearly how the delivery of the development and associated infrastructure will be co-ordinated.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Areas and Phasing Plan unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that the site is developed in appropriate and acceptable phases with required infrastructure and facilities available at the appropriate times.
8) Area Design Codes

No reserved matters application shall be approved for built development within a development area as defined by the Areas and Phasing Plan approved under condition 7 until an Area Design Code (ADC) for that area has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Each ADC shall accord with the details for the development area approved pursuant to the SWDC (Condition 6) and shall include:

an overview of the design concept;
an area masterplan that sets the layout of the development, access and movement routes, minimum and maximum development densities and sub-character areas;
a regulatory plan demonstrating frontages, building heights and massing, gateway buildings, block typology, key groupings, enclosure, views and vistas and building typologies;
a detailed access and movement strategy to include bus, private vehicle, cycle and pedestrian movements, a waste and recycling storage and collection strategy and a detailed vehicle and cycle parking strategy;
detailed specifications for key places i.e. the local centre, public spaces;
details of roof form, orientation of buildings for sustainability, materials, architectural style, and boundary treatments for each sub-character area;
locations and design principles for utility infrastructure such as substations and pumping stations;
principles for energy, sustainability and climate change adaption and mitigation measures;
principles of inclusive design;
crime prevention principles;
how the development will comply with the standards set out in LTN 1 20 (or any guidance or standards which shall replace it)

Subsequent reserved matters applications shall accord with the principles of the relevant approved ADC and shall be accompanied by a statement which demonstrates compliance with the ADC.

Reason: To ensure the development is high quality and is delivered in a cohesive manner.
(Policy HQ1 and HQ9, CBLP and Section 12, NPPF)
9) Noise Receptor Plan

No reserved matters applications shall be submitted until a Noise Receptor Plan identifying those phases of the development where the following could be relevant has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:
a) noise impacts from road or rail transport sources;
b) noise impacts from commercial sources including external plant, deliveries and operational uses; and
c) noise impacts from sports pitches, play areas, MUGA and other community uses

Reason: To ensure that the impact of noise associated with the development is properly identified, understood and mitigated, and because the way in which the site is designed will need to have regard to potential noise related constraints.
(Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
10) Scheme of Archaeological Resource Management

Part A: No Infrastructure Works, or development in any Development Area or phase shall take place until a Written Scheme of Archaeological Resource Management (WSARM) for that Area/phase has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Each WSARM shall contain the following components:

a method statement for an intrusive archaeological trial trench evaluation of the site, including a timetable and details of post excavation reporting, archive preparation and archive deposition
an outline method statement for the further investigation of any archaeological remains found during the trial trench evaluation
an outline method statement for the preservation in situ of any archaeological remains that may be found during the trial trench evaluation which cannot be fully investigated (if appropriate)
an outline strategy for post-excavation assessment, analysis, reporting, and publication for any further investigation work, including details of the timetable for each stage of the post-excavation programme
if appropriate, an outline strategy for a programme of interpretation, public outreach, and community engagement (to be carried out should further archaeological investigation be required)

Should the trial trench evaluation for any area/phase produce evidence of archaeological remains that require further mitigation, items 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Part A of this condition will be finalised on the approval of the trial trench evaluation report(s). Each updated WSARM for the works will then be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any further fieldwork, Infrastructure Works or development is undertaken. Should no further archaeological investigation be required it will not be necessary for the individual WSARMS to be amended and the applicant or developer can proceed with completing the work to discharge Part B.

Part B: The said development shall only be implemented in full accordance with the approved WSARM for each Area/phase and the final method statements/strategies and this condition shall only be fully discharged when:

all elements of the archaeological fieldwork for that Area/phase have been completed and the date of completion has been confirmed in writing by the Local Planning Authority
a Post Excavation Assessment Report and an Updated Project Design for that Area/phase or (if appropriate) a final archaeological report has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall be done within 2 years of the date of completion of the archaeological fieldwork unless otherwise agreed in advance in writing by the Local Planning Authority
the post-excavation analysis for that Area/phase as specified in the approved Updated Project Design (if one is prepared) has been completed.
the preparation of the site archives for that Area/phase (including the completion of the archive report) for deposition at stores approved by the Local Planning Authority has been undertaken and confirmed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. For the digital archive this will include confirmation of the intention to deposit with a CoreTrustSeal certified repository dedicated to storing archaeological archives.
the publication report text for that Area/phase has been prepared for submission to a recognised archaeological journal, an approved final report is submitted for inclusion in Historic Environment Record, or a standalone monograph has been produced and this has been confirmed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Unless otherwise agreed in advance in writing by the Local Planning Authority, items 3, 4, and 5 of Part B of this condition shall be completed within 5 years of the archaeological fieldwork date of completion. Should the archaeological works for any Area/phase not warrant the production of a Post Excavation Assessment report, an Updated Project Design, a publication text/standalone monograph, item 5 can be completed on the approval of the final archaeological report. Where no further archaeological works are undertaken after the completion of trial trench evaluation, it will be permissible for the applicant or developer to submit the approved trial trench evaluation report(s) to discharge item 5.

Reason: In line with policy HE1 of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan 2015-2035 (adopted July 2021) and paragraph 205 of the National Planning Policy Framework (July 2021): to investigate and record any archaeological remains affected by the development, to safeguard the long-term future of the archive and to make the record of all the work publicly available. Part A of this condition is pre-commencement because development works (including Infrastructure Works) can have an irreversible impact on archaeological remains and an approved programme of investigation must be in place before any development takes place.
11) Foul Water Drainage

No development shall take place until a scheme for on-site foul water drainage works, including connection point and discharge rate has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Prior to the occupation of any phase, the foul water drainage works relating to that phase must have been carried out in complete accordance with the approved scheme.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to ensure that ground works do not prejudice the design of an acceptable scheme. The condition is required to prevent environmental and amenity problems arising from flooding.
(Policy CC3, CBLP and Section 14, NPPF)
12) Strategic Surface Water Drainage Scheme

No development shall commence until a detailed surface water drainage scheme, to manage surface water runoff from the development for up to and including the 1 in 100 year event (+40%CC), and a maintenance and management plan for the scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The discharge rate from the development will be limited to the equivalent 1 in 1 year rate, or an appropriate rate as agreed by the Bedford Group of Internal Drainage Boards. The final detailed design shall be based on the agreed Wixam Park Drainage Strategy Report referenced PC1336-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-D-0001 S3/P04 dated 23 April 2021, as amended by the Addendum to Wixam Drainage Strategy Report referenced PB1336-RHD-ZZ-XX-NT-Z-0001_P02 dated 01 July 2021 and DEFRAs Non-statutory Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems 2015 (or any standards which shall replace them) and shall be implemented and maintained as approved. Maintenance shall be carried out to ensure that the system functions as designed for the lifetime of the development. Any variation to the connections and controls indicated on the approved drawing which may be necessary at the time of construction would require the resubmission of those details to the Local Planning Authority for approval.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to ensure that ground works do not prejudice the design of the system. The condition shall ensure that the approved system will function to a satisfactory minimum standard of operation and maintenance and will prevent the increased risk of flooding both on and off site.
(Policies CC3, CC4 and CC5, CBLP and Section 14, NPPF)
13) Broadband

No development shall take place within a development area as defined by the Areas and Phasing Plan approved under condition 7 until a scheme for the provision of a superfast broadband (fire-optic) connection to each property within that development area has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No building shall be occupied or brought into use until the connection to that property has been implemented.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to ensure that groundworks does not prejudice the possibility of providing the necessary connections. The condition is required to facilitate high quality connections and sustainable working practices.
(Policy HQ5, CBLP and Section 10, NPPF)
14) Fire Hydrants

No development shall take place within a development area as defined by the Areas and Phasing Plan approved under condition 7 until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the provision of fire hydrants within that development area. No dwelling shall be occupied until the fire hydrant serving that dwelling has been installed as approved. The fire hydrants shall be retained as approved thereafter.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to ensure that groundworks do not prejudice the possibility of providing the necessary hydrants in appropriate locations. The condition is required in the interests of fire safety and providing safe and accessible developments.
(Policy HQ1, CBLP and Section 8, NPPF)
15) Contaminated land survey and remediation

No development shall take place on an individual phase of the development hereby approved until a Phase 2 site investigation has been undertaken for that phase of the development and a detailed report of the findings, in accordance with the recommendations of the Royal Haskoning DHV Land Quality Desk Study and Preliminary Risk Assessment Report dated 8th December 2020 (Ref: PC1336-RHD-01-XX-RP-GE-0001), has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Where found to be necessary by the Phase 2 report, a remediation strategy to deal with the risks associated with contamination of that phase of development shall also be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences on that phase. The remediation strategy shall include an options appraisal giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken. The strategy shall include a plan providing details of how the remediation works shall be judged to be complete and arrangements for contingency action.

Reason: To protect human health and the environment. This is a pre-commencement condition to ensure that remediation is agreed prior to commencement to protect construction workers.
(Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
16) Bus stops on the B530

Notwithstanding the details shown on Drawing No. PC1336-RHD-CE-H1-DR-D-0001 Revision P05, no development shall take place until details of the proposed layout of the bus stops on the site's B530 frontage, and the means for pedestrians to cross the B530 to reach the stop to access northbound services, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No building on the development shall be first occupied until the bus stops and a safe means of crossing the B530 to reach the stop for northbound services have been constructed in accordance with the approved details (amended as necessary by the technical and safety audit process) and made available to the public.

Reason: In the interest of encouraging sustainable travel and to ensure all users of the highway are adequately accommodated.
(Policy T1 and T4, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
17) Construction Environmental Management Plan

No development (including demolition) shall take place on a phase (including off-site highways works) until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for that phase has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CEMP shall include the following information:

a) Risk assessment of potentially damaging construction activities.
b) Identification of 'biodiversity protection zones'.
c) Practical measures (both physical measures and sensitive working practices) to avoid or reduce impacts during construction (may be provided as a set of method statements).
d) The location and timing of sensitive works to avoid harm to biodiversity features.
e) The times during construction when specialist ecologists need to be present on site to oversee works.
f) Responsible persons and lines of communication.
g) The role and responsibilities on site of an ecological clerk of works (ECoW) or similarly competent person.
h) The use of protective fences, exclusion barriers and warning signs.

Measures to control dust emissions arising from all demolition and construction activities associated with that particular phase, with due regard to the findings and recommendations of the Royal Haskoning DHV Air Quality Report dated 16/12/2020 (reference: PC1336-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0001).

the parking of construction vehicles
loading and unloading of plant and materials used in the development
storage of plant and materials used in the development
the erection and maintenance of security hoarding / scaffolding affecting the highway if required.
wheel washing facilities
measures on site to control the deposition of dirt / mud on surrounding roads during the development.
footpath/footway/cycleway or road closures needed during the development period
traffic management needed during the development period.
means of access and egress for construction traffic and delivery vehicles (including the import of materials and the removal of waste from the site) during the development of the site;
details of escorts for abnormal loads;
temporary removal and replacement of highway infrastructure and street furniture;
the reinstatement of any signs, verges or other items displaced by construction traffic; and
banksman and escort details.

Construction access and egress shall be from the B530 only.

The approved CEMP shall be adhered to and implemented throughout the construction period on that phase, strictly in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to ensure that adequate protection and mitigation measures are in place throughout the construction period for each phase for protected species, existing and future residents and highway safety.
(Policies EE3, CC8 and T1, CBLP and Sections 9 and 15, NPPF)
18) Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy

No development shall take place until a Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy for Protected and Priority species has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy shall be informed by the Wixam Park Ecological Appraisal dated December 2020 and the results of updated ecological surveys commissioned to establish if there have been any changes in the presence and/or abundance of protected species.

The Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy shall include the following:

a) Purpose and conservation objectives for the proposed enhancement measures;
b) detailed designs to achieve stated objectives;
c) locations of proposed enhancement measures by appropriate maps and plans;
d) a timetable for implementation demonstrating that works are aligned with the proposed phasing of development;

The works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained in that manner thereafter.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to ensure that construction activities do not harm the existing biodiversity on site. The condition is required to enhance Protected and Priority Species/habitats and allow the LPA to discharge its duties under s40 of the NERC Act 2006 (Priority habitats & species).
(Policy EE2, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
19) Landscape and Ecological Management Plans

A. No development shall take place until an Overarching Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

The content of the Overarching LEMP shall be informed by an up-to-date ecological appraisal, to include species surveys where existing data held is older than 2 years. The Overarching LEMP shall include the following:

How the LEMP relates to the Areas and Phasing Plan approved under Condition 7 in terms of implementation.
Aims and objectives of management.
A strategy for the management of ecological and landscape features and how this will be cohesive across all development parcels.
A strategy for monitoring the success of management
A process for reviewing and updating Overarching and detailed LEMPs.

The Overarching LEMP shall also set out (where the results from monitoring show that conservation aims and objectives of the LEMP are not being met) how contingencies and/or remedial action will be identified, agreed with the Local Planning Authority and implemented so that the development still delivers the fully functioning biodiversity objectives of the originally approved scheme.

B. Each Reserved Matters application shall be accompanied by a detailed LEMP which shall accord with the approved Overarching LEMP and shall include management proposals for all ecological and landscape features within the development area covered by the Reserved Matters application. It shall include:

A timetable for the implementation of landscaping areas.
Description and evaluation of all ecological and soft and hard landscape features to be managed.
Ecological trends and constraints on site that might influence management.
Aims and objectives of management.
Prescriptions for management actions.
A work schedule.
Ongoing monitoring and remedial measures.

The development shall be implemented and subsequently managed and maintained in accordance with the approved LEMPs thereafter.

Reason: To ensure appropriate landscaping and ecological measures are carried out and appropriate management practices put in place in the interests of sustaining a biodiversity net gain and providing a high quality development.
(Policy EE2, EE3 and HQ1, CBLP and Sections 12 and 15, NPPF)
20) Update Protected Species Surveys

No development shall take place on any phase until ecological surveys of that particular phase have been updated within the previous 24 months by an ecological consultant and submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Where the survey results indicate that changes have occurred that will result in ecological impacts not previously addressed in the approved scheme, the original approved ecological measures shall be revised, and new or amended measures for that phase, and a timetable for their implementation, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority prior to the commencement of development on that phase.

Development shall then be carried out in accordance with the proposed new approved ecological measures and timetable.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to allow the LPA to discharge its duties under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended), the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 as amended and s40 of the NERC Act 2006 (Priority habitats & species).
(Policy EE3, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
21) Great Crested Newts EPS Licence

No development shall take place until a copy of a European Protected Species Licence from Natural England in respect of Great Crested Newts, or correspondence from the relevant statutory body (Natural England) stating that such a licence is not necessary, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to ensure that Great Crested Newts are adequately protected throughout the development of the site.
(Policy EE3, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF).
22) Bats EPS Licence

No works involving the existing farm buildings on the site (including demolition) shall take place until a copy of a European Protected Species Licence from Natural England in respect of Bats, or correspondence from the relevant statutory body (Natural England) stating that such a licence is not necessary, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: The condition must be discharged prior to commencement to ensure that Great Crested Newts are adequately protected throughout the development of the site.
(Policy EE3, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF).
23) Housing Mix

Each Reserved Matters application that includes residential development shall be accompanied by a Housing Mix Statement demonstrating how the proposed housing mix within the application contributes to meeting the needs of different sections of the community, with reference to the housing mix set out within the Council's Strategic Housing Market Assessment, or other more up-to-date evidence if agreed by the Council.

The Housing Mix Statement shall include a schedule showing the mix approved on the development so far, the mix proposed within the application and how this relates to the Council's latest Strategic Housing Market Assessment. The Schedule will also demonstrate how the development is meeting the following requirements:

a minimum of 35% of all residential properties shall be Category 2 Requirement M4(2) adaptable homes (or any new or revised regulations that revoke or modify the Building Regulations
a minimum of 5% of all residential properties shall be Category 3, Requirement M4(3) wheelchair adaptable homes (or any new or revised regulations that revoke or modify the Building Regulations).
The provision of bungalows, level-access accommodation or low-density flats for older people.

Reason: To ensure that the development meets the needs of different sections of the community and to encourage sustainable, inclusive and mixed communities.
(Policies H1, H2 and H3, CBLP and Section 5, NPPF)
24) Rights-of-Way

Any reserved matters application for the layout of a phase of the development which includes Public Footpaths FPA9 and/or FPA10 shall include a scheme for the provision of the Public Footpaths and their upgrade to allow use by pedestrians and cyclists as they run through the phase. The scheme shall include:

the design of the Public Footpath(s) and its / their enhancement (to include details of width, surfacing, adjacent landscaping, shown as cross sections),
the design of crossing points wherever the Public Footpath(s) is to cross a road,
a timetable for the early implementation of the scheme, to be measured in occupations; and
proposals for any proposed temporary closure and alternative route provision (where deemed necessary) of Public Footpath FPA9 and/or FPA10.

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme and retained thereafter.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of pedestrians and other non-motorised users and to ensure safety of users is not compromised by the traffic associated with the development.
(Policy EE12, CBLP and Section 8, NPPF)
25) EV Charging points

Each Reserved Matters application that includes any parking spaces shall include a scheme for the charging of electric and ultra-low emission vehicles. The scheme shall accord with Policy T5 of CBLP and CBC electric vehicle parking standards in place at the time of the submission of the Reserved Matters application and shall include the following:
- Details of active charging posts and/or passive provision such as cabling and electricity supply for each dwelling; and
- Timescales / triggers for implementation of the scheme.

The development shall be completed in accordance with these approved details including the agreed timescales / triggers.

Reason: To assist with the transition to low-emission vehicles.
(Policy T5 of the CBLP and paragraph 112 of the National Planning Policy Framework)
26) Residential Dwellings Noise Mitigation

Any reserved matters applications for residential development on any phase of the development that is identified as being relevant by the approved Noise Receptor Plan shall be accompanied by a Noise Mitigation Scheme to mitigate noise at identified receptors. The Noise Mitigation Scheme shall include details of any noise barriers, building insulation and any other necessary mitigation. If the scheme relies on windows to be closed in order to achieve the required internal acoustic standards, then a ventilation strategy for the affected dwellings must also be included. No dwelling on that phase shall be occupied until the mitigation measures identified within the Noise Receptor Plan have been implemented. The measures shall be retained and maintained in perpetuity.

Reason: To protect the amenity of future residential occupiers.
(Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
27) Commercial, Sports & Community Uses Noise Source Mitigation

Any reserved matters application including commercial, education, community or sporting uses shall be accompanied by a Scheme that assesses and mitigates noise at source and/or receptor from all:
PA or music equipment,
plant or ancillary machinery including fans and ducting and external openings,
deliveries to or from the premises,
Sports & community structures, equipment and uses

All mitigation measures set out in the approved Scheme shall be completed before the first use of the non-residential building or facility to which the mitigation relates and shall be permanently retained thereafter.

Reason: To protect the amenity of future occupiers of the proposed dwellings.
Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
28) Reserved Matters Requirements

Each Reserved Matters application that includes built development shall include the following information:
A plan showing full details of finished floor levels for each building and finished site levels (for all hard surfaced and landscaped areas) in relation to existing ground levels;
(Where neighbouring properties exist at the time of submission), sections showing the relationship between these properties and the proposed development;
A plan which identifies the materials of construction;
A plan which demonstrates the tenure and housing mix;
A plan which shows parking provision;
A plan which demonstrates appropriate access arrangements/vehicle turning;
A plan which shows proposed boundary treatments.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure a satisfactory form of development.
(Policy HQ1, CBLP and Section 12, NPPF)
29) Retained Tree and Hedgerow Protection

Each Reserved Matters application shall be accompanied by a detailed Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree and Hedgerow Protection Plan. The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree and Hedgerow Protection Plan. No equipment, machinery or materials shall be brought on to the site for the purposes of development until the protective measures identified within the approved Tree and Hedgerow Protection Plan have been erected. The approved protection measures shall be maintained until all equipment, machinery and surplus materials have been removed from the site. Nothing shall be stored or placed in any area fenced in accordance with this condition and the ground levels within those areas shall not be altered, nor shall any excavation be made unless specifically agreed as part of the Arboricultural Method Statement.

Reason: To protect trees and hedgerows on the site which are to be retained.
(Policy EE4, CBLP and Sections 12 & 15, NPPF)
30) Sustainability Statement

Each Reserved Matters application that includes built development shall be accompanied by a Sustainability Statement demonstrating how the design principles set out in the Wixam Park Energy & Sustainability Statement (16 December 2020) have been adopted and how the development will comply with policy CC1 of the Local Plan 2015-2035 and / or any policy that supersedes CC1. No building shall be occupied within a development area until a post-verification report has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority which confirms that the development achieves the commitments made within the Sustainability Statement.

Reason: In order to ensure the development is sustainable and to minimise the impact of the development on the climate.
(Policy CC1, CBLP and Section 14, NPPF)
31) Development Area Surface Water Drainage System

Each reserved matters application shall include details of the surface water drainage features within that development area and details of which parts of the strategic surface water drainage system that development area depends upon for its surface water drainage. Each development area shall include multistage SuDS and shall incorporate their own calculations to show control on site to strategic limits.

Reason: To ensure that SuDS features are properly integrated within the site design and included within each development area by requiring them to be designed as part of the layout of individual development areas.
(Policies CC3, CC4 and CC5, CBLP and Section 14, NPPF)
32) Standards for Roads and Footpaths

Reserved Matters applications shall demonstrate that the development shall be served by means of roads and footpaths which shall be laid out and drained in accordance with the 'Central Bedfordshire Design Guide' (September 2014) and 'Highway Construction Standards & Specifications Guidance' (July 2019) or other such documents that replace them, and no building shall be occupied until the roads and footpaths which provide access to it from the existing highway network have been laid out and constructed in accordance with the above-mentioned Guidance.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the proposed estate road.
(Policy T2, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
33) Turning and Parking Requirements

The detailed layout plans to be submitted for approval of reserved matters in connection with this development shall illustrate independent vehicular turning facilities for an 11.5m long refuse collection vehicle. Turning areas shall also be required for a 6.5m long delivery vehicle where that vehicle would otherwise need to reverse more than 12m. Car and cycle parking shall also be provided in accordance with the relevant parking standards at the time of the submitted reserved matters.

Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off, park and turn outside the highway limits thereby avoiding the reversing of vehicles on to the highway and parking to meet the needs of occupiers of the proposed development.
(Policy T2, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
34) Artificial Light

Each reserved matters application shall be accompanied by a Lighting Design Scheme and Impact Assessment for that development area. The Scheme and Impact Assessment shall show how and where external lighting is to be installed (through the provision of lighting contour plans and technical specifications) and shall demonstrate that the proposed lighting would neither disturb or prevent bats from using their territory or having access to their breeding sites and resting places, nor have any unacceptable impacts on existing or future residential occupiers. All external lighting shall be installed in accordance with the specifications and locations set out in the Scheme, and these shall be maintained thereafter in accordance with the strategy. Under no circumstances should any other external lighting (except within individual residential curtilages) be installed without prior consent from the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure the introduction of artificial light does not result in disturbance and/or discourages species from using their breeding and resting places, established flyways or foraging areas, or result in unacceptable light pollution to existing or future occupiers of the development and the surrounding area.
(Policies EE3 and CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
35) Hedgerow Corridor

Any reserved matters application that includes or adjoins the hedgerow corridor shown on approved drawing no. 7175_007_B shall be designed strictly in accordance with the details shown on that drawing.

Reason: To ensure that the hedgerow corridor is sufficiently buffered from development impacts having regard to its value for biodiversity.
(Policy EE3, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
36) Noise limits for Care Home

No development above slab level shall take place on the construction of the Care Home until a scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority that demonstrates that the rating level of sound emitted from any fixed plant and/or machinery associated with the Care Home shall not exceed the typical background noise level inclusive of any penalty for tonal, impulsive or other distinctive acoustic characteristics when measured or calculated according to the provisions of BS4142:2014 (as amended). All measurements shall be made in accordance with the methodology of BS4142 (2014) (Method for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound) and/or its subsequent amendments.

Reason: To protect the amenity of future occupiers of the Care Home and proposed dwellings within proximity of the Care Home.
(Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
37) Care Home Odour Control
No development above slab level shall take place on the construction of the Care Home until a scheme containing full details of arrangements for internal air extraction, odour control, and discharge to atmosphere from cooking operations, including any external ducting and flues has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works detailed in the approved scheme shall be installed in their entirety before the Care Home is occupied. The equipment shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and operated at all times when cooking is being carried out unless otherwise agreed beforehand in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the amenity of occupiers of the Care Home and dwellings within proximity to the Care Home.
(Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
38) Contaminated Land Validation of Remediation Works

No dwelling hereby permitted shall be occupied until a validation report has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority that demonstrates the effectiveness of any agreed Remediation Strategy of the phase of development on which that dwelling sits. Any such validation report shall include responses to any unexpected contamination discovered during works.

Reason: To protect human health and the environment.
(Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
39) Surface Water Drainage Management Plan

No building on the development shall be first occupied or brought into use until the following has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:
a finalised 'Maintenance and Management Plan' for the strategic surface water drainage system and the drainage system for the development area within which that building sits, inclusive of any adoption arrangements and/or private ownership or responsibilities; and
written confirmation that the approved surface water drainage scheme for the development area within which that building sits has been correctly and fully installed as per the final approved details.

Reason: To ensure that the implementation and long-term operation of a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) is in line with what has been approved, in accordance with Written Statement HCWS161, 18th December 2014.
(Policy CC5, CBLP and Section 14, NPPF)
40) Public Art

No dwelling shall be occupied until a Public Art Strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Public Art Plan should include details in relation to the following:
Management - who will administer the Plan, contact details, time scales/programme;
Brief for involvement of artists, site context, background to development, suitable themes and opportunities for public art;
Funding - budgets and administration;
Method of commissioning artists/artisans and selection process;
Community engagement - programme and events
Implementation/ phasing
Future care and maintenance

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plan.

Reason: To ensure that appropriate public art is provided on the site in the interests of the quality of the development, the cultural wellbeing of future occupants and creating local distinctiveness.
(Policy HQ7, CBLP and Section 12, NPPF).
41) Site Access from B530

No building shall be occupied until the junction between the proposed estate road and the B530 (as shown on approved Drawing No. PC1336-RHD-CE-H1-DR-D-0001 Revision P05) has been constructed in accordance with the approved details, (amended as necessary by the technical approval and safety audit process) and opened to traffic.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and the premises.
(Policy T2, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
42) Footway / Cycleway Connectivity

No building on the development hereby permitted shall be first occupied until pedestrian and cycle connectivity to the existing footway / cycleway infrastructure at the intersection of Thickthorn Lane with the B530 has been provided, as shown indicatively on Drawing No. PC1336-RHD-CE-H1-DR-D-0001 Revision P05. If an alternative route or alignment is proposed, details of that alternative shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to delivery. Any Statutory Undertakers equipment or street furniture shall be re-sited to provide an unobstructed facility prior to the occupation of any building on the site.

Reason: In order to reduce reliance on travel by the private car.
(Policy T1, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
43) Residential Travel Plan

No dwellings on the development shall be occupied until an updated Residential Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The updated Residential Travel Plan shall include details of:
Predicted travel to and from the site and targets to reduce car use
Details of existing and proposed transport links, to include links to both pedestrian, cycle and public transport networks
Proposals and measures to minimise private car use and facilitate walking, cycling and use of public transport
Timetable for implementation of measures designed to promote travel choice
Plans for monitoring and review, annually for a period of 5 years at which time the obligation will be reviewed by the planning authority
Details of provision of cycle parking in accordance with Council guidelines
Details of marketing and publicity for sustainable modes of transport to include site specific welcome packs. Welcome packs to include;
Walking, cycling, public transport and rights of way information. Site specific travel and transport information
Travel vouchers
Details of relevant pedestrian, cycle and public transport routes to/ from and within the site
Copies of relevant bus and rail timetables
Details of the appointment of a travel plan co-ordinator.
The provision of personalised travel plans for each dwelling.

None of the dwellings on the development shall be occupied prior to implementation of those parts identified in the Travel Plan as capable of being implemented prior to occupation. Those parts of the approved Travel Plan that are identified as being capable of implementation following occupation shall be implemented in accordance with an agreed timetable and shall continue to be implemented as long as any part of the development is occupied.

Reason: To promote sustainable modes of travel and to reduce the potential traffic impact of the development on the local highway network.
(Policy T1, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
44) School Travel Plans

No school on the site shall be brought into use until a School Travel Plan has been submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The Plan shall contain details of:

plans for the establishment of a working group involving the School, parents and representatives of the local community
pupil travel patterns and barriers to sustainable travel
measures to encourage and promote sustainable travel and transport for journeys to and from School
an action plan detailing targets
a timetable for implementing appropriate measures and plans for annual monitoring and review
measures to manage the car parking on site

All measures agreed therein shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved Plan. There shall be an annual review of the Travel Plan (for a period of 5 years from the date of approval) to monitor progress in meeting the targets for reducing car journeys generated by the proposal and this shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety, to reduce congestion and to promote the use of sustainable modes of transport.
(Policy T1, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
45) Care Facility Travel Plan
No care facility on the site shall be occupied until a full Travel Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, such a Travel Plan to include details of:

Predicted travel to and from the site (staff/ visitors) and targets to reduce car use
Details of existing and proposed transport connections, to include links to both pedestrian, cycle and public transport networks
Proposals and measures to minimise private car use and facilitate walking, cycling and use of public transport for staff and visitors
Timetable for implementation of measures designed to promote travel choice
Plans for monitoring and review, annually for a period of 5 years at which time the obligation will be reviewed by the planning authority
Details of provision of cycle parking in accordance with Council guidelines
Details of marketing and publicity for sustainable modes of transport for staff and visitors to include site specific welcome packs. Welcome packs to include;
Walking, cycling, public transport and rights of way information. Site specific travel and transport information
Travel vouchers
Details of relevant pedestrian, cycle and public transport routes to, from and within the site
Copies of relevant bus and rail timetables
Details of the appointment of a Travel Plan Co-ordinator

No part of the care facility shall be occupied prior to implementation of those parts identified in the Travel Plan as capable of being implemented prior to occupation. Those parts of the approved Travel Plan that are identified therein as being capable of implementation after occupation shall be implemented in accordance with the timetable contained therein and shall continue to be implemented as long as any part of the care facility is occupied.

Reason: To promote sustainable modes of travel and to reduce the potential traffic impact of the development on the local highway network.
(Policy T1, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
46) Odour Control from Commercial Food Establishments

No restaurant, public house or hot food takeaway shall commence operation on the site until an Odour Control Scheme for that establishment has been submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Scheme shall detail how odour associated with cooking and food preparation will be mitigated and shall include a timetable for the completion of any identified mitigation measures. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Scheme and the approved mitigation measures shall be permanently retained thereafter.

Reason: to protect the amenity of future neighbouring occupiers from unacceptable odour.
(Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
47) Non-Residential Operating Hours

No commercial building or community centre shall be brought into use until a Scheme of Operating Hours for that building has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Scheme shall set out the times within which operations may take place on each day of the week, and when deliveries may be received or dispatched. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Schemes.

Reason: To protect the amenity of future occupiers of the proposed development.
(Policy CC8, CBLP and Section 15, NPPF)
48) A6 / Chapel End Junction

If not already undertaken by others, prior to the occupation of the 150th dwelling a scheme for a single lane dualling junction improvement on A6/Chapel End Road junction shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. No more than 300 dwellings shall be occupied until the junction improvement has been constructed in accordance with the approved details (amended as necessary by the technical approval and safety audit process) and opened to traffic.

Reason: In order to minimise danger and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the development.
(Policy T2, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
49) Provision of Second Access

No more than 300 dwellings shall be occupied on the site until details of a second vehicular access that provides an alternative route to the external highway network has been submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority, and that alternative route to the external highway network has been constructed and opened to traffic.

Reason: In the interest of highway safety and the convenience of occupiers of the site.
(Policy T2, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF)
50) Connections to site boundaries

All highway and active travel connection points to the north and south of the site shall be constructed and open for use by the public all the way up to the site boundary. These will be delivered within the phasing programme agreed as per condition 7 of this planning permission.

Reason: To ensure that links are provided within a timely fashion to the best of the applicant's ability in the interests of good connectivity.
(Policy HQ1, CBLP and Section 9, NPPF).

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