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Conditions or Reasons for Planning Application - CB/22/01696/REG3
Conditions or Reasons:
1) The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2) No vehicles (including construction traffic) shall cross the public footway at the location shown on the approved drawing, until the vehicle access has been constructed in accordance with the approved details.

In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and the premises.
3) Before the access is first brought into use, a triangular vision splay shall be provided on each side of the new access drive and shall be 2.8m measured along the back edge of the highway from the centre line of the anticipated vehicle path to a point 2.0m measured from the back edge of the highway into the site along the centre line of the anticipated vehicle path. The vision splay so described and on land under the applicant's control shall be maintained free of any obstruction to visibility exceeding a height of 600mm above the adjoining footway level.

To provide adequate visibility between the existing highway and the proposed access and to make the access safe and convenient for the traffic which is likely to use it.
4) Prior to commencement of development details of the layout of the widened site access shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval including details of the surfacing in bituminous or other similar durable material (not loose aggregate) for a minimum distance of 5m into the site, measured from the highway boundary and shall be constructed before the dropped kerb is brought in to use. Arrangements shall be made for surface water drainage from the site to be intercepted and disposed of separately so that it does not discharge into the highway.

To avoid the carriage of mud or other extraneous material or surface water from the site into the highway so as to safeguard the interest of highway safety.
5) Notwithstanding the details submitted, the proposed vehicle access shall only be used for members of staff of the school and for construction vehicles in connection with the construction and maintenance of the proposed development.

In the interest of road safety and for the avoidance of doubt
6) Any gates provided shall open away from the highway and be set back a minimum distance of at least 6.5m from the nearside edge of the carriageway of the adjoining highway.

To enable vehicles to draw off the highway before the gates are opened.
7) The scheme detailing the provision for on-site parking for construction workers and deliveries as shown on the approved drawing shall be retained and implemented for the duration of the construction period.

To ensure adequate off street parking during construction in the interests of road safety.
8) Before the development is first occupied or brought into use, the parking scheme shown on plan no 3009 shall be completed and thereafter retained for this purpose.

To ensure the provision of car parking clear of the highway.
9) No development shall take place, until a Construction Traffic Management Plan, associated with the development of the site, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority which will include information on:

the submission of tracking diagrams for the mobile crane accessing/egressing the site and the route to and from Poynters Road and turning within the development,
any temporary traffic management needs during the construction period to have been agreed with the Streetworks Manager,
the hours of working and the scheduling and timing of construction vehicles,
adequate turning facilities within the site for delivery vehicles,
wheel washing facilities and measures to control the deposition of any debris on the surrounding roads during the construction period,
any road closures needed during the construction period,

The approved Construction Management Plan associated with the development of the site shall be adhered to throughout the development process.

In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and the site.
10) Before the building is first brought into use, an updated Travel Plan shall be prepared, submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The Plan shall contain details of:

a. plans for the establishment of a working group involving the School, parents and representatives of the local community
b. pupil travel patterns and barriers to sustainable travel
c. measures to encourage and promote sustainable travel and transport for journeys to and from School
d. an action plan detailing targets
e. a timetable for implementing appropriate measures and plans for annual monitoring and review
f. measures to manage the car parking on site

All measures agreed therein shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved Plan. There shall be an annual review of the Travel Plan (for a period of 5 years from the date of approval) to monitor progress in meeting the targets for reducing car journeys generated by the proposal and this shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

In the interests of highway safety, to reduce congestion and to promote the use of sustainable modes of transport.
11) Prior to the occupation of the classroom block, a scheme for the charging of electric and ultra-low emission vehicles shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall accord with Policy T5 of CBLP and CBC electric vehicle parking standards in place at the time of submission and shall include the following:

Details of active charging posts or passive provision such as cabling and electricity supply

Timescales for implementation of the scheme.

The development shall be completed in accordance with these approved details including the agreed timescales / triggers.

Reason: To assist with the transition to low-emission vehicles in line with Policy T5 of the CBLP and paragraph 110 of the National Planning Policy Framework
12) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the submitted plans, numbers 3001, 3004, 3005, 3009, 3003, 3008 Rev A and 3006.

Reason: To identify the approved plan/s and to avoid doubt.

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